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Sharks concept


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OKAY! I've designed a Sharks concept! No, not the San Jose Sharks. It was for a made-up basketball team. Now, this is just a rough draft, I will make modifications to it later. My original design (not shown) had a basketball to the left of the shark's teeth as if the shark is going up to make a basket. So tell me what your inital reactions are!


I saw, I came, I left.

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Well, I'm didn't put too much emphasis on contrasts of colour on the shark. My original design had a quite a contrast from light gray on the left to dark gray on the right. If I had a scanner I probably would have shown you.

I did mention that I will make modifications to it. I guess the reason there were 40 views and no comment is because people figured this was so bad, it's was not worth mentioning! But I digress......

I saw, I came, I left.

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LogoFan Posted on July 24 2003,09:19


I think the concept is good, but yes, it does need alot of work.  Better production quality would greatly enhance your idea.  What software are you using for your design?

Are you ready for this..... a combination of paint and AutoCAD. Seriously! I should point out that I am a much better hand drawer than I am drawing on the computer and I don't have the right software. The reason I use AutoCAD a lot is because I make a lot of techincal drawings (for parts etc.) and make generic stadium models in my spare time. Also, right now I'm studying mechanical engineering (I do enjoy it), so using AutoCAD is a good tool for this field.

I go on this board and draw logos because it's a hobby, and I don't take it too seriously like many of the "people" on this board.

I should point out I'm at work right now!  :D So, I just make my posts as quickly as possible.

I saw, I came, I left.

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sNOwcAp30 Posted on July 24 2003,12:47


this looks like it needs a PSP or AIllustaror touch-up..id be willing to do that do u if u like

Go right ahead! I don't mind at all. If I could make a suggestion, my original design had the shark the top teal part of the 'S' outlined in black plus the entire logo is outlined in yellow tan ??? (seriously) ,but make it white instead.

I saw, I came, I left.

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