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Wierd Rumor


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Here is the original post don't know if it's telling the truth but the post is by

LARider the Topic titles is CBA & "Franchise Location" Comments:

Evening all

Looking over the recent threads, I thought an "update" might be of interest. I took an Exec to a MLB game this afternoon (any excuse to get out of the office), and of course asked about Hockey matters. (smile)

Three "areas" that were interesting. One, CBA negotiations seem to have made "strange bedfellows". This week's meetings have included significant time spent on "language" designed to protect both the NHL and the PA from lawsuits brought by individual players. Both sides are worried that players drafted under the previous CBA, now having their "entry-level" salaries reduced and teams "rights" to them extended, might take legal action. There is also a little nervousness about individual players who "lose" a contract year under the coming CBA filing suit. So they are "working together" to make sure the language removes all such legal options.

Two, and this should cheer those of you worried about the "New NHL", the entire system for rules changes has been revamped. As part of the new CBA, there is a new Rules Committee, replacing the GMs who previously recommended rules changes. The new committee will have the "final" decision over all rules changes. It will be composed of 4 GMs, 4 NHLPA members, and 1 Owner. Both sides have agreed that Ed Snider will be the initial Owner on the Committee. Hopefully that reassures you "traditionalists".

Three, I asked about expansion/relocation sites, since I've read so much about it on these boards. My Exec friend rattled off the following: "Kansas City is a sure thing, Portland also very likely. We've also discussed Las Vegas, Seattle, Omaha (which is planning to build an Arena for AEG), and Houston, so they are the next possibilities." Asked about Canadian cities, he said he thought there was "no chance" until at least 4 of the 6 cities he mentioned were "taken care of." While he could be wrong, I wouldn't be counting on it, especially since his team sits on the Committee in charge of Expansion and Relocation.

Welcome to "The NHL - It's A Brand New Game"

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Well I'll take this as just rumor right now. I don't know anyone envolved so it's hard to tell if any is the truth.

But mark my words, Kansas City will be in the NHL by the time the Sprint Center opens or shortly afterwards. Guaranteed. No specific source, I just know a lot of GOOD is on the side of KC for landing a team.

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We'll see how stable the U.S. franchises really are when they're playing in front of AHL-sized crowds..

You know Canadian fans are going to come back in droves, and with a more stable salary structure, the Canadian franchises have a good chance for the future.

It'll be interesting to see how many of the American fans come back. With no huge TV contract, NHL teams heavily rely on the ticket sales, and hockey's popularity in the south has taken quite the hit thanks to the lockout.

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I wouldn't call this a weird rumor... I recall seeing wording similar to those first two items in a news article this past weekend.

The last part could be completely made up, but it's not too far off from ideas that have been tossed around here for the past 2 years.

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The last part could be completely made up, but it's not too far off from ideas that have been tossed around here for the past 2 years.

That's what I was thinking as I read it.

These guys have been getting online and reading our stuff.

(Well, not mine, I'm an interested observer, but those with more of an understanding of the game)

PS I'd love to get hockey back, I was getting the games over the web, and since we're in a different time zone, they happily coincided with the last few hours of the day at the office.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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I don't get the Omaha reference at all. "Omaha (which is planning to build an Arena for AEG)," doesn't make sense.

If this guy is really in the know he would know that Omaha already has a new arena, the Qwest Center, which is home to the UNO Mavericks collegiate hockey team. The AHL team for Calgary is setting up shop in our other arena, the Civic Auditorium for play this fall / winter.

This info alone makes me question what this guy really knows.

I know for a fact that KC is trying hard to get the NHL but my sources, which are pretty well connected in hockey, say nothing is close to a done deal.

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Maybe some of the teams in the South will smarten up and move to places that look at hockey as more than a passing fancy to kill time. I personally think it's strange when places that never see ice in anything more than a beverage container get to see NHL pro-hockey over places like Winnapeg, Quebec City, Hartford, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Regina, and Seattle. Places where not only can it it be cold, but where people might actually play hockey in high school and college.

I think the NHL needs to put teams where the people who love the sport are.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Maybe some of the teams in the South will smarten up and move to places that look at hockey as more than a passing fancy to kill time. I personally think it's strange when places that never see ice in anything more than a beverage container get to see NHL pro-hockey over places like Winnapeg, Quebec City, Hartford, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Regina, and Seattle. Places where not only can it it be cold, but where people might actually play hockey in high school and college.

I think the NHL needs to put teams where the people who love the sport are.

i guess you could say i live in the south (northern virginia) and i have been to many capitals games. unfortunatley, the same cant be said about the people around me.

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