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On what Curty says, I wonder how the Cubs fans would feel if the pale hose were to win it all.

those shoeless sons of bitches :cursing: those shoeless muthafluffers :evil:

that is all.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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If the Giants win the Series next year, I will eat a dog turd in front of everyone, so that means it aint going to happen in the next few years

Coming soon on NBC?

"Fear Factor: MLB Edition"

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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You know what? I'm rooting for the White Sox in the World Series, if only for the fact that if they win, they become just another team, just as the Red Sox have done this season.



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The 2004 Red Sox are infectious.

Chicago White Sox 2005 American League Champions!!!

Good luck for the WS, you Pale Hose.

next year, Chicago Cubs, 2007 Detroit Tigers :P

Wait a sec, the Bay Area has been waiting. Giants in 2006, Cubs in 2007, Jays in 2008, and heck that should be enough time for... Devil Rays in 2009. :lol:

You know?

I had a kind of that thought... if the Red Sox won in 2004 erasing 1918... then the White Sox would win in 2005 erasing 1917...

Then which teams have a long drought before 1916? Giants and Cubs. Although the Jints lately won in 1954, I feel that they had won a century ago... like the Cubbies.


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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The Giants had their chance. Even more than the Cubs did. Cleveland had a heck of a lot of chances in the nineties. And, of course, the Cubs had three chances.

The White Sox are the only team that hasn't actually blown a chance to win out of the four of them (with the exception of the 1919 disgrace).

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You know what?  I'm rooting for the White Sox in the World Series, if only for the fact that if they win, they become just another team, just as the Red Sox have done this season.


heh, they were just another team beforehand anyway, now they're just another team with a pennant and a loudmouth manager.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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All for one

By Ryne Sandberg, Yahoo! Sports

October 17, 2005

There may be some Chicago Cubs fans on the North Side who will lose their minds from reading this, but I'm happy for Ozzie Guillen and the Chicago White Sox.

Sorry Northsiders, but I will be rooting for the White Sox in the World Series. And I'm telling all Cubs fans that it is OK to root for them. Here are three good reasons why you should:

1. They play the game right.

If you haven't noticed, the White Sox play hard and they do many things well. First of all, their lineup doesn't have many holes, so Ozzie is able to bunt and hit-and-run at any point in the batting order.

The White Sox play an NL-type of ball that I love. They pitch well, they have recently played good defense and they're playing with a lot of passion. They're also fun to watch right now. Give them a chance.

2. It's good for the city of Chicago.

Whether you live on 35th Street or in Wrigleyville, the White Sox reaching the World Series is a great accomplishment for the city. How long have the White Sox and Cubs been mired together in baseball mediocrity? Now, the White Sox are going to the Fall Classic and I believe the Cubs aren't far from getting there themselves.

Cubs fans, be patient. Give it some time and your team will be there, too. Chicago should rally around the White Sox and understand that a White Sox win is a win for the entire city, not just below the river.

3. If you root for them, next year they'll root for you.

How many times have Cubs fans said, "Wait 'til next year"? Well, this phrase might actually be true. The pieces are in place for a winning Cubs season in 2006.

Jim Hendry will finally have a good amount of money to spend on free agents, and the questions the Cubs general manager has had in the past (bullpen and leadoff batter) can be answered with a few small moves. So, if you root for the White Sox this October, they'll be on your side next October.

I'm not saying that Cubs fans have to go out and buy Paul Konerko jerseys. However, we should have no reason to "hate" the White Sox.

I know Cubs fans are knowledgeable and they should be able to appreciate good baseball when they see it. The White Sox are playing good baseball and it should be appreciated by the entire city of Chicago.

The Cubs should be able to learn something from the White Sox, who changed their team around in one year. They went from a team of bombers (Konerko, Carlos Lee, Magglio Ordonez) to a team with more speed that can beat you in several ways. Adding Scott Podsednik and Tadahito Iguchi gave them more variety in their lineup.

So it's OK to be a White Sox fan for one series, Cubs Nation. Really, it is.

This Cub certainly will.


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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