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Gators Change Basketball Uniforms!


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Speaking of which, does adidas make authentic basketball shorts anymore? The only one's I can find are the cheap polyester ones.

Last I checked they still do, but they're REALLY hard to find and well...not really worth the money. Short of ordering them directly from the company i don't think you ever will find them in a store or anything like that.

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So is Nike plotting to have the entire SEC wear the same template? Like the kudzu, Nike is slowly choking the life out of the South. :P


Cookie cutter or not, it was better than what they had last year...



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I'm surprised to see it took all the way till 14er's post to post what I've wanted to since I got about half way through the first page of the thread...

Each and every template shown so far has been different. Nike's decided to try out a new element in the shoulder stripe, but the side stripes are different for every school. I think it's fine, because they are all nice templates.

Nike does a lot of stupid crap, but let's not yell at them for something they didn't do.

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Yeah, the sidepanels on the uniforms are all a little bit different but they all employ the same "look." This is just a way for Nike to put themselves as front and center on these uniforms as possible. They can't put the swoosh on the shoulder of the jersey so they put these stripes on the collar to try and give a Nike specific feel to all of their teams. They are doing the same thing in football with all of that shoulder piping.

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Is there a new WNBA team in Florida these days?

This might look good on Lisa Leslie but not on a mens' college basketball team...

Oh Nike, how the mighty have fallen... I remember when they really got it... and did some cool edgy work... Come back Phil...

Gameplan | A Strategy for Achieving an Objective.

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