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Deep Space Nine Niners Concepts

Pittsburgh, California

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Thanks to the Slighty Warped website's Star Trek Top 100, I've been turned into a minor Trekkie. Not enough to show up to conventions dressed as a Kingon, mind you, but enough to start watching more often. I've especially become hooked on Deep Space Nine, the highly underrated third series. During the seventh and final season, Capt. Sisko was challenged by an old Vulcan rival to a game of baseball in the episode "Take Me Out To The Holosuite" This gave me the inspiration to get working on some Niner's concepts.

First off is the Home Jerseys seen in the episode. I just did a mock up of the jersey itself, with minimal changes only affecting the Niner's logo (DSN overlapping a baseball, with a docking pylon acting as the right stitching.) The logo I found on Memory Alpha, Star Trek's wiki, was a bit hard for me to modify without it looking like crap. So as opposed to the no background logo in the episode, I used the logo provided, with an oval background.


The road uniforms were another beast altogether. I used the Starfleet uniforms worn by the crew as inspiration. The uniform is a sleeveless vest with an undershirt denoting Starfleet divisions (Red=Command, Blue=Science, Yellow=Operations), with a white shirt signifying non-starfleet personel. The text on the uniforms is also colored as such.


C&C appreciated. Live long, prosper, and beware of Ferengis weilding baseball bats.



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Live long, prosper, and beware of Ferengis weilding baseball bats.

For one thing, Ferengis have very small strike zones.

This is a great concept with the DS9 uniform design. I liked the TNG uniforms better (paricularly Picard's short jacket you didn't see often).

So perhaps you can do TOS and TNG concepts now (TOS red = "The Guys Who Die").

(P.S. Star Trek 2.0 on Tech TV tonight has one of the best TOS episodes, "Balance of Terror." 11 Eastern.)

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Wow. This might just be the nerdiest post I have ever seen on a message board, anywhere. Ever. Everever.

However, I must unfurl my geek flag here as well. Love that episode of DS9, it's really cool that you made these up. I can't lie, if I could get one with J. DUNCAN and a 35 on the back, I would wear it to my softball game this weekend.

Live long and prosper, bro. Later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, so I wanted to bump this thread, but I didn't want to just post "BUMP" or anything pointless. So, I've decided to add some substance to my attention whoring by creating hockey concepts...based on the uniforms of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The design of the TNG unis are very unique, with the broken line at the bottom the shirt, so I just hoped for the best and let fly, and I am pleased with the result. The Federation logo was much easier. I simply used the Trekbats font (capital A) to place the logo. The color of the insignia is changed on the Operations uniforms from black to gold, as the two colors made the logo hard to see. Also, notice that I have included rank pips on each collar, corresponding with the designated crewperson's rank (4 = Captain; 3 = Commander, 2 gold + 1 black = Lt. Commander) A bit of typing in WordArt, and the unis are ready for inspection.


Perhaps next I'll try something from the Original Series. Tell me, how does "Terran Empire Basketball" sound?



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OK, so I wanted to bump this thread, but I didn't want to just post "BUMP" or anything pointless. So, I've decided to add some substance to my attention whoring by creating hockey concepts...based on the uniforms of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The design of the TNG unis are very unique, with the broken line at the bottom the shirt, so I just hoped for the best and let fly, and I am pleased with the result. The Federation logo was much easier. I simply used the Trekbats font (capital A) to place the logo. The color of the insignia is changed on the Operations uniforms from black to gold, as the two colors made the logo hard to see. Also, notice that I have included rank pips on each collar, corresponding with the designated crewperson's rank (4 = Captain; 3 = Commander, 2 gold + 1 black = Lt. Commander) A bit of typing in WordArt, and the unis are ready for inspection.


Perhaps next I'll try something from the Original Series. Tell me, how does "Terran Empire Basketball" sound?

the command jersey colors remind me of the Phoenix Coyotes.... all in all not bad!




<embed src="http://www.clocklink.com/clocks/5005-Blue.swf?TimeZone=CST&TimeFormat=hhmmssTT" width="180" height="60" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">


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I'm gonna go out on a limb, and assume that once a year, you go to the Holiday Inn decked out in your finest Federation uniform that you made yourself in your mother's basement, trying desparately to pick up Romulan chicks, right? Yeah, I thought so. :P

Your TNG concept is cool, except for the lettering on the back. I appreciate what you were trying to do, but those letters are just WAYYYYY too big for my taste.

(Hey, do the trekkie chicks put out? They are having a comic-con in Philly soon, and I am a lonely fat man) :D

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I'm gonna go out on a limb, and assume that once a year, you go to the Holiday Inn decked out in your finest Federation uniform that you made yourself in your mother's basement, trying desparately to pick up Romulan chicks, right? Yeah, I thought so. :P

Your TNG concept is cool, except for the lettering on the back. I appreciate what you were trying to do, but those letters are just WAYYYYY too big for my taste.

(Hey, do the trekkie chicks put out? They are having a comic-con in Philly soon, and I am a lonely fat man) :D

I've never gone to a convention, nor dressed up in Starfleet colors, nor hit on chicks with V shaped foreheads and pointy ears.

Although Klingon mating rituals sound intriguing. Nothing like ducking furniture to get one's heart racing.

I do agree about the lettering. I'll probably revisit this in the future.



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I thought so. Dang, those look a lot better with that font.

How about that Starfleet logo on the shoulders as well? :) Do that and put a RBK logo on the back collar and you've got yourself a bona fide NHL-style Starfleet jersey.

May I also suggest saving the image as a PNG instead of a JPEG or GIF? PNGs are usually smaller and have better quality. :)

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