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Bear logo


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Tell us more if you can and if you'd like to.  What's the name of the HS?  Where's it located?  What are the school colors? Do they use any existing bear graphics?  Black bear? Brown Bear? Polar Bear?  Grizzly?

The more you share, the more real it seems and more you'll get concepts out of the woodwork.  Someone, forgive me I forget who, did a pretty solid Bruins concept a while back that could be an early front runner.

I'll say this much, I don't have one "in stock" but I'd love to take the time to make one soon.  I don't feel a really excellent Bear has ever been created for any professional team ever....let alone HS or college team.  I know I may get some disagreements but it is simply a hard animal to render in terms of logo-ness...especially the snout.  Chicagos is weak, the Bruins went from Bobcat to Pig, and the Grizzles aint too swift either.

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The school is in Tennessee.  They use black and gold.  The gold is somewhat like the one Pitt uses for their helmets.  They dont have a bear logo.  They just use different styles of an MJ.  The are technically called the golden bears, but I have yet to see a logo with a golden bear on it.
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I had drawn this Bear to interlock with the word "Cal", for the California Golden Bears. It looks pretty good that way, Much better than this, but Cal didn't want it. (That paw over the head thing is so dumb.)

Soooo, I quickly interlocked it with MJ using a fairly generic font- just for show today. The bear itself is meant to look aggressive, but not evil or mean. Is this the kind of thing they are looking for? Keep in mind it's new composition is rough, and I would adapt the bear for this scenario.


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Thanks for the props.

JHF, I'm surprised you like the 3rd one best. It has less "action" than the top ones. As far as other folks here, of the top two, do y'all like the white letters or black? Just looking for opinions.

I doubt that I'll have time right away to do any bear profiles, myself. If a profile is what you really wanted, I can take these off the board. If your mind is still wide open, cool. You just posted your request 2 days ago, so there may be others coming in.


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Out of the three, I like number one best with the black letters.  Your bear is solid, especially the head, but his left arm seems almost too long, not by much as I can see the leaning pose would allow him to take a big long swipe but it seems a tad too long.
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Has anyone ever tried a side profile of a bear face?

I believe the Minnesota Wild did a pretty good job with a bear head profile.

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basic recoloring of my first revision of my Atlanta Polar Bears logo(a.k.a. LA Bears). Golden Bears

Sabres7200, I really like your bear head logo. Nice work!



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