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For those of you who I think I just took my entry for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays Overhaul contest and simply converted it to use for St. Augustine....

you're right. :D

"I must be butter, because I'm on a roll."

Turn Two Design // Facebook


Sorry I don't have much C&C, but I just wanted to say very impressive.

The only thing is I think you should try to incorporate some more teal into the jerseys. They're looking a little too Florida Gator-ish to me right now.

Maybe a teal facemask?

edit: I'm not a fan of having two separate pairs of white pants. Seems like a waste to me, even if you're trying to match it up with the jersey sleeve stripes.



I like the colour combination and the way it looks overall. They are sharp. I like the logo also.

The Alternates would look snazzy with teal pants.

Gives me an idea with the colours, an NHL team would look great with those colours, i'm thinking San Diego or a Florida Panthers side project for myself.


5x Stanley Cup Champions


LOVE the colors. (Gorton's Islanders palette strikes AGAIN!)

That said, the outlines on the wordmarks...maybe one or two toomany, but I still like it. One little nitpick: the palm tree on the helmet isn't exactly secessary--I think the SA would pop enough as a helmet logo. (It is kinda unique that you chose a palm tree blowing in the wind as the logo--that's thinking outside the box for real.) as for roxstarmedia's comment on sticking with Storm as opposed to something more akin to "Hurricane"--that name is used quite enough (but then so is Storm)--either way, since St Augustine never seems to get hit directly by anything, I guess Storm works. (You lucky people!)

Anyway, one other little gripe (and this comes from stuff I learned in my Typography class): the "S" in "St." and "Storm" is straightened out on the top and bottom; the descender in the "g" in "Augustine" as well as the curves in the rest of the lowercase letters are all still rounded. Sort of looks like a mix of two different font faces...which is going to irk some people.

That's just my two rusted Lincolns, though.

I do like the set, though.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||


I'm not in Florida, and Gators was most definitely my first reaction. Also, why do you have two different pairs of white pants? In your logo, the green is the primary color, yet it hardly shows up on the uniform. I don't understand this one.

Your wordmark is a little weak. Kyler's right, two many outlines on the wordmark. Keep the outlines the same as the actual logo. Also, why have the St. Augustine dominate the Storm by having both use the same size font? Why not all caps with the wordmark. Something like this:



There are some great fonts out there that could better convey a "Storm" than what you chose. You've got an awesome logo. The wordmark needs to be upgraded to match. This could be an outstanding package.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.



Thanks for all the C&C guys. My school year has just ended and I have 4 regents (state administered exams for New York), so I will be spending my time on that.

My last Regents is June 21, so I'll get cracking on this when I get back.

In regards to your comments:

The name, "Storm" was chosen simply because of alliteration, if the city was St. Hughes or something I'd definitely have gone with hurricane.

I will be changing the primary logo so the dominant color is dark blue, hence matching the entire package.

As far as looking too Gator-ish, I'm not sure what to do. Whenever you use the same primary colors, there will be similarities. I'm at a loss as how to fix that without ruining the classic and modern look.

Thanks for all the C&C guys.

Especially, gregjigga, I'd rank him as one of the best critiquers right next to VitaminD. Everything he has to say is very helpful and I always appreciate it. Thanks, Greg. Another special thanks to Bucco_B, everything I said about Greg can be said about you as well. Thanks a lot, man.

"I must be butter, because I'm on a roll."

Turn Two Design // Facebook


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