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NBA Changes For '06-'07


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Alright, so I want to see what changes are being made to uniforms or logos for next season.

The Bucks, as far as I know, are the only team making a logo change and doing a total uniform redesign. We still haven't determined the color of their road jersey, but I suspect it'll be a traditional green rather than red (if this is the case, there will almost certainly be a red alt in three seasons or so ^_^).

The Rockets are rumored to have a new alt on the way, possibly black, as mentioned in a previous topic.

Also, we know that the Raptors will be ditching the purple/black road unis and removing the purple from their home set.

What other changes or additions might there be? Are the Magic finally going to introduce the black alternate that they were supposed to this past season? Any alts for either Utah or Memphis (who will both be in the third years of their current uniform schemes)?

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There was another Toronto rumor, that they would get an all-black alternate, but I think that kind of fell through.

And I'm fairly sure that Milwaukee will have a green away jersey and no alternate.

Also, there was a rumor that Denver was going to do something with yellow. That goes back to the yellow "authentic" shorts at the NBA Store website.

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i believe milwaukee will have obviosly a white home, green away and a red alternate or they could be like the lakers and have both home and away jerseys colored, either home is green and away is red or vice versa. Also i doubt teh nuggets will add anything, they recently got a new whole new logo and color scheme, along with new jerseys and last year they got a new alt logo and a jersey, dont' expect anythign form them in a long while.

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The Bucks road jersey will be green with red striping, and no alternate. As far as I know.

Raptors ditching the purple.

David Stern has the black Rockets alts in some box somewhere.

That's about it.

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