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Another Sabres concept for our hopes and dreams


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Here's one that someone else made, i think on here a long time ago. I dont remember who, so if it was you, i'm not stealing it.

i changed the logo to most everyone's favorite from Celsius Designs, and some other things. two options for the dark jersey/sock, 4 options for pants. which do you like best?

i know they seem a bit EDM or CHI, but it still rings classic Sabres to me. and everytime i look at them i think they'd be awesome.


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The bottom two jerseys with P3 would be an instant improvement over what the Sabres are planning. Don't worry about it looking too much like the Blackhawks, I think there are enough subtle differences (i.e. the Y-neck collar and home striping on the second option) to overcome that.


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  • 10 months later...

new and maybe improved... haha. didnt want to start a new thread over this, and i'm sure these have been overdone this passed year. i wanted to get closer to classic design, so the striping is just that. 2 different whites to test different color combos. i never liked how on their classic whites the striping colors were different on the arms and torso. questions for which socks--vintage or matching, and which shoulder logo?



logos are the ones from Celsius Designs and they're current shoulder logos. at first i didnt really like Celsius' shoulder logo, but after really looking at it, reading his description and thinkin bout it, it's a nice homage, and kind of still fits the design of the original jerseys with the circleness...

by the way, i just photoshopped Cole's old PHX concept to make it quicker. :D which is why it's a lil rough

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