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Titans ink Greatness

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the problem isn't rookies accepting the contracts. hell if someone wants to give me 56 million for simply being the 3rd overall pick and i haven't taken a single snap, i'd take it.

if it was me, i'd play out the contract just to get the guarenteed money, then i'd retire and take the money for doing nothing.

but thats me. 20 million guarenteed and i'm set for the rest of my life.

in all seriousness, i don't like that rookies are guarenteed huge money for simply being taken in the top 5 of the draft. Rookies should earn the big money not be guarenteed big money and not take a single snap.

i can imagine how the lions feel after giving Joey H. big money and now isn't on the team.



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I don't believe any, after I have cleared it with them on all copyright laws.

Doesn't protect you from previous sales.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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I do have a job throughout summer.

You just proved my point. I said a REAL job, not a summer job. I mean like a job job.

Oh, and aren't you too young to be swearing? Don't make me tell your mother!

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I do have a job throughout summer.

You just proved my point. I said a REAL job, not a summer job. I mean like a job job.

Oh, and aren't you too young to be swearing? Don't make me tell your mother!

Ya know what? I am honestly sick of the way you Brilliams people are treating some of the members of our board. You've gone after me, Patsox, Nick, Tank and even someone who doesn't even come on here anymore! No matter what we say, we're wrong and you're right. You go after these people because they have certain point of views, their designs aren't great because they don't spend $600 for a proper paint program, or just because you think you're somewhat better than them. I've spoken with people and they are tired of it. If we tried to do something like Brilliams, or that frat thing like me and lopernv did, we're told to take it down, or suspended, or banned.

So in other words, why don't you just drop the :censored:, and respect people's opinon. If you disagree, EXPLAIN IT for Christ's sake. Don't personally attack the person.

I believe that rookie should EARN there money, not just assume they earned it for what they did College. If it worked that way, I think I should get into a good College for hockey, because I did well this year in High School. I don't see a difference between those two things.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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You go after these people because they have certain point of views, their designs aren't great because they don't spend $600 for a proper paint program, or just because you think you're somewhat better than them.

(1) Perhaps these people's PoV's are either a) dumb, B) ignorant, c) irritating, or even (d) any or all of the above?

(2) The Brilliams! folks haven't beaten on anyone because they don't have a $600 program. You can get Photoshop for only $569.99. Aside from that, when did they smack on someone solely because they used MS Paint? In fact, the opposite tends to happen.

*Fires up quote machine*

Using Paint is no excuse. Most of the concepts on this site are done with Paint, but very few are as sloppy and as rushed as yours. If you don't want to step up your game, fine, but then change the language on your site, Einstein. You say you will never allow a sloppy job, you should change it to you can only do a sloppy job because you don't want to get better, you just want people to like your sorry ass concepts. However as much as your concepts presently suck, your attitude sucks even worse. Go download Inkscape (a vector graphics program, similar to, but severely limited when compared to, Adobe Illustrator), and practice, practice, practice.

Goes after someone because of sloppy work, and not the program they are using...

Look guys, just because someone posts something up here, just because it's his first concept, just because he used paint, just because he offers excuses, etc., doesn't mean that anyone has to like it or say anything nice about it. I've seen peeps do amazing things with paint before, I've seen people knock it out of the box with their first concept, and most people don't have excuses built into their posts. I don't care if it's someone's first. If they don't get better, their 50th will look just like the first and what will the excuse be then?

Compliments people who make great concepts using MS Paint...

Do better work. Then post. It's not because you have/use paint or even because you're new to this that people are critical, it's because this isn't good enough even for YOU to feel comfortable with it. That should tell you something.

Says that the problem with the concept isn't because of the program they use...

I searched for statements from the rest of the Brilliams! gang, and came up empty handed. So either a) You've made an innocent mistake, B) you're hiding the incriminating posts for some unknown reason, or c) You have faulty reading skills. I think everyone should know where I'm going with this...

(3) By stating that you think the Brilliams! gang goes after people because "[They]think [they]'re somewhat better than them." you either have problems with a) people who show they have exceptional talent comparing themselves to others, or B) feel uncomfortable with the concept of winning and losing, as when you compare two things, one tends to come out better than the other. Of course this is a bit superflous, as the Quote Machine comes up lacking where a member of the Brilliams! gang is going after someone because "[They]think [they]'re somewhat better than them."

Any other questions I need to handle for you?

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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Yeah, one more question. Who the hell are you? You some user who wants to be buddies with the higher ups by doing things like this? You joined 3 months ago, and you think you run the place.

As for the Brilliams not going after people. I do find how they call Tank, 'Tnak' at their site, just because he misspelles words. That's not going after people?

It's also the fact of a double-standard. If some people said half the crap to other people that some people on here do, they would be banned. But instead, some 'higher-ups' personally attack people and that installs the thing in people's minds to say 'Well he said it and he's been here for long, so it's okay if I do that same!' similiar to the reason why you are doing what your doing.

I might get banned, suspended, or whatever because I'm actually coming out with the truth, and I'm sick of having to listen to people, who attack people I respect. I'm sorry if there's still inside jokes on users who just want to post their opinons and concepts....

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Wait till you get a real job (not selling bootleg t-shirts online...yeah, it's a cheap shot) and have to negotiate something.  You take what you can get, and if you can get more, you take that  :censored: too.  If someone is dumb enough to give you what you want, you don't take less because morons whom you don't know and don't know you may criticize you for being greedy.

joel, I would love for you to point out where I said they should take the league minimum. What I'm saying is that they are getting these huge egos and holding out until they get the money they 'deserve'. This is what is crumbling sports. Players thinking they are owed the world for playing a game. But what the hell anyway? In your eyes you're always right.

As for greg, don't talk about :censored: you don't know. I do have a job throughout summer. Those 'bootleg' shirts have also netted me a nice $150 total thus far. Not bad seeing as it's something that takes 5 minutes to do a computer. Easy money. So next time, check your sources before you say that I don't have a job.

you didn't say they should play for the league minimum. my point is that they are taking money that ownership is giving to them. would you take 20 million to play a game if someone offered it to you (or knew that you could get them to offer it), or would you play for less because you have "principles".

i'd take that money and have a secure future no matter what.

you may not like to believe it, but these players aren't playing for you, the fan. this is their job, and like any other job, there happens to be a pay scale. the best tend to get paid more than the mediocre players (or employees, if you will). it's just the way it goes. the fact that fans keep lining up to buy tickets enables ownership to pay their employees larger and larger sums of money.

simple economics, really.

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Yeah, one more question. Who the hell are you? You some user who wants to be buddies with the higher ups by doing things like this? You joined 3 months ago, and you think you run the place.

As for the Brilliams not going after people. I do find how they call Tank, 'Tnak' at their site, just because he misspelles words. That's not going after people?

It's also the fact of a double-standard. If some people said half the crap to other people that some people on here do, they would be banned. But instead, some 'higher-ups' personally attack people and that installs the thing in people's minds to say 'Well he said it and he's been here for long, so it's okay if I do that same!' similiar to the reason why you are doing what your doing.

I might get banned, suspended, or whatever because I'm actually coming out with the truth, and I'm sick of having to listen to people, who attack people I respect. I'm sorry if there's still inside jokes on users who just want to post their opinons and concepts....

if you don't like the B! so much, why the hell did you join the second time around?

if you'd like, i can easily take care of that for you.

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Yeah, one more question. Who the hell are you? You some user who wants to be buddies with the higher ups by doing things like this? You joined 3 months ago, and you think you run the place.

I can answer these questions with ease.

(1) My (not real) name is Fred T. Jane. I am a history/english teacher by profession. I live in southern Louisiana. I hold a B.A. in History from the University of Louisiana, with a Minor in Geography. I enjoy long walks at the beach, and hanging out with my friends. Letting you know about anything else is just going to creep me out.

(2) Since when is pointing out the obvious help one become "buddies with the higher ups [sic]?" I could think of far more effective ways to brown-nose than my post above. besides, I'm currently an administrator on 2 Internet forums already, and have been an admin or moderator on extremely popular Internet forums (ever heard of Day of Defeat? Counter-Strike?) in years past. Trust me, it isn't what it's cracked up to be.

(3) Ah yes, the classic "Because I've been here longer, me > you" fallacy. Big whoop if I joined over this past Spring Break. That just means that Fate didn't think it well for me to join up before then, not because I'm some sort of untermensch here at the CCSLC. As for me thinking I run the place (the "place," how quaint!), mind finding where I made some sort of statement to that effect?

As for the Brilliams not going after people. I do find how they call Tank, 'Tnak' at their site, just because he misspelles words. That's not going after people?

(1) It's TNak, as Tank usually capitalises the first two letters of a proper noun.

(2) Nah, that's stating the obvious. And if you don't like people going after other people for misspelling words, stay away from an English classroom for the rest of your life. If you don't, your life is going to be filled with nothing but heartache and pain. Don't ever say I didn't warn you.

It's also the fact of a double-standard. If some people said half the crap to other people that some people on here do, they would be banned.

Welcome to the Internet. If you don't like it, go hide in an AOL chat room.

But instead, some 'higher-ups' personally attack people and that installs the thing in people's minds to say 'Well he said it and he's been here for long, so it's okay if I do that same!'

Here we go with that "Because I've been here longer, me > you" fallacy again. I guess I'm better than you because I was a Usenet subscriber in 1994, nicht wahr?

similiar to the reason why you are doing what your doing.

How do you know that? Are you pulling ideas out of thin air, or are you peering into my thoughts without my permission to come to an incorrect conclusion? I hate it when people do that...

I might get banned, suspended, or whatever because I'm actually coming out with the truth, and I'm sick of having to listen to people, who attack people I respect. I'm sorry if there's still inside jokes on users who just want to post their opinons and concepts....

Considering the track record of users you "respect," you may need to consider finding new people to respect.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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Yeah, one more question. Who the hell are you? You some user who wants to be buddies with the higher ups by doing things like this? You joined 3 months ago, and you think you run the place.

As for the Brilliams not going after people. I do find how they call Tank, 'Tnak' at their site, just because he misspelles words. That's not going after people?

It's also the fact of a double-standard. If some people said half the crap to other people that some people on here do, they would be banned. But instead, some 'higher-ups' personally attack people and that installs the thing in people's minds to say 'Well he said it and he's been here for long, so it's okay if I do that same!' similiar to the reason why you are doing what your doing.

I might get banned, suspended, or whatever because I'm actually coming out with the truth, and I'm sick of having to listen to people, who attack people I respect. I'm sorry if there's still inside jokes on users who just want to post their opinons and concepts....

if you don't like the B! so much, why the hell did you join the second time around?

if you'd like, i can easily take care of that for you.

Oh no! I'll be so heartbroken! <_<

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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it's not a threat, brass, i'm just asking you what you would like for me to do. i'm a pretty accomidating person.

the fact that you keep bringing up "the other place" speaks volumes, as most of the "inner circle" largely tend to keep quiet about it during conversations here. yes, we have avatars and links in our sigs, but that's generally our only mention of it here. i will defend it when silly accusations are made, though.

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I gave the Tennessee Titans no permission to sign Greatness.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Once again Mr. Clemente saves the day.

I bow down to you, if only they hadn't taken away that smiley.

Honestly? It's just like everything else... it's based on potential. When you get hired for a job, you get hired on potential. You could perform well at a different job in a certain environment for half the pay, and then not as well at the same job in a totally different one for twice pay. And if that's the case, you'll either find a new place to work or they'll decide that for you.

It's called risk / reward. It's part of business. Sports is a business. We, as outsiders and as viewers may not like it, but that's how it is.


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