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NFL Championship Round Preview


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I'm calling "Shananagins" on Tank's AFC prediction.

It's not that he picked the Colts over the Pats but rather because of how he did. At this point I have no doubt he'd pick anyone over the Pats. He is already well known in these parts for his rather unhealthy hatred for the team and notably Tom Brady. Even in this latest effort his bias shines through like a supernova. It brings into question the validity of any argument he might try to make. This would be like a weather man saying it's going to be sunny day despite the reports possible thunderstorms coming simply because he hates rain. Not exactly a scientific argument.

You want the Colts to win? Fine, perhaps they will. But wanting a team to win has little to do with whether or not they actually will. And belittling an opponents' past accomplishments because you have a personal grudge against them isn't a valid argument for why they should lose, either. Is he really a neutral party just trying to make an educated guess OR someone who already wants to see a certain result and does his best to twist the argument to fit his predetermined conclusion?

Come to think of it, the NFC prediction isn't exactly taint-free either. <_<

Don't feel too bad about it though- I have no doubt many "professionals" are guilty of making predictions with the same type of bias at times.

Tank is making picks on his site for entertainment purposes. He's not a journalist, teacher/professor, or judge. Those are the only three professions that you need to be free of bias. So he dislikes Brady and the Patriots? And? Nothing any of us feel, write, or want to see has the slightest effect on the games, right? So what does it matter if he, you, I, or anyone else are biased as hell and takes every opportunity to show said biases? It doesn't at all. You can't twist an "argument" when there is no "argument" to argue. It's something that will take place on a field of play...and we will only be spectators.

In conclusion, lighten up. Tank can pick whoever the hell he wants, biases or not. He doesn't really even have to justify or "argue" his picks, either. If you don't like the picks, fine, but don't try to make this bigger than it actually is. They are just picks!

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I'm thinking the Patriots will beat the Colts. The Pats have playoff experience and will find a way to beat the Colts defense. The Ravens gave up on the run way to early last week, I expect the Dillon and Maroney to exploit their weak run defense. Pats 28 Colts 17

Now I don't really know who to pick in the NFC. So, I'll just go with the Bears because they are at home. Bears 21 Saints 20

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Alright, my turn for picks. So that you know where I'm coming from, I'm a Pats fan, and I'm not a huge fan of the Saints.

So for each one of these teams, we have confounding variables that have to mitigate each other. That's a given on any Sunday. It simply depends on which factors are dominant on which week. Here's each team at a glimpse:

New Orleans Saints:

Benefits - The Saints have enjoyed an astounding Cinderella season, and given everything that the city of New Orleans has gone through and is still going through, they have a chip on their shoulder. Saints are going in with a great running game with Duce McAllister and passing game with Drew Brees, and that makes them a very formidable opponent.

Drawbacks - External factors could play a role in this round moreso than last. The Saints enjoyed the home crowd and the security of a dome. At Soldier Field (with snow...I saw the shots on ESPN) with a predominantly Bear crowd, it's unclear how much the Saints can keep it together.

Chicago Bears:

Benefits - The Bears have the home field and the home crowd. They are much more used to this weather than the Saints. Bears defense led by Urlacher have helped up their chances of winning, and Grossman had one of his best games last weekend.

Drawbacks - While Grossman had a great game last weekend, he's unfortunately not very reliable. I'm not saying he's a bad quarterback....he can throw. It's just that he has up and down weeks. Whether today is an up day or down day for Grossman...the jury is still out. If it's an up day, look for for the Bears to just about match New Orleans on offense; if it's a down day, the New Orleans defense will make them pay. It already took overtime for them to beat the Seahawks.

Who Wins: The weather will affect the Saints Offense a slight bit, but my feeling is Grossman is likely to choke late in the game. That said, the Saints *SHOULD* win.

New England Patriots:

Benefits - Tom Brady has a very attractive post season record, and he keeps it consistent during the post season. Despite the loss of many key players from the previous three Championship teams, the Patriots have managed to step it up and work very well with what he has. I wouldn't count out also their ability to have a clutch field goal win it for them. They've made it work more times than not.

Drawbacks - We're not playing at Gillette Stadium. We're playing in Indianapolis. Added to that, the Indianapolis offense is a force to be reckoned with. This one will be an uphill battle for the Patriots.

Indianapolis Colts:

Benefits - Adam Vinatieri. The Colts now have the Patriots' clutch kicker. The Colts were able to rely on his leg to win them their games, especially last game against the Ravens. When both defenses show up, the game is won by kicks. Manning also has his number; he's due for a Superbowl.

Drawbacks - They have the ability to choke. Manning, while he is due for a Superbowl, his past two games haven't been very attractive. He has a lot of pressure on him to win this one. They'll have to rely on their running game to get through the Patriot D.

Who Wins: The Colts have the environment going for them, and destiny on their side. If Manning and the Colts can deliver on both O and D, they'll have a great shot at winning. If Manning chokes, the Patriots will exploit it and use it to their advantage. That said, the Colts *SHOULD* win.

So those are my picks. But I'm chearing for the Pats. =P

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<Obvious Question No One's Asking...>

If a Saints win is going to be such a huuuuuge boost for those suffering and trying to recover after Katrina. What would a Saints loss be for them?

</Obvious Question No One's Asking...>

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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<Obvious Question No One's Asking...>

If a Saints win is going to be such a huuuuuge boost for those suffering and trying to recover after Katrina. What would a Saints loss be for them?

</Obvious Question No One's Asking...>

They have to reflood New Orleans.

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then start the flooding again :D

Bear Down...Miami Bound! :woot:

honestly, why the hell so many were picking a team that went 10-6 to beat a 13-3 squad, I have no idea. There are reasons the Saints lost 3 more games than the Bears did, many of which were obvious today <_<


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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