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A-Rods children's book


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Well it's a new craze sweeping the sports world athletes writing children's nooks. First was Little T learns to share and now Out of the Ballpark by Alex Rodriguez.

Before he hit 400 home runs...

Before he was named

American League MVP...

Before he was AROD to

millions of fans...

He was Alex.

Just a kid who wanted to play baseball more than anything else in the world.

Baseball superstar Alex Rodriguez has drawn on his own childhood experiences to create this exciting picture book. It's the story of a boy named Alex who knows what it's like to swing at a wild pitch or have a ball bounce right between his legs. Alex is determined not to let his mistakes set him back?even if it means getting up at the crack of dawn to work on his hitting and fielding before school each day!

Full of the spirit of determination and joy in the game that put AROD in a league of his own, Out of the Ballpark is a gift from a great sports hero to every young player who dreams of becoming a star



There is also a video of A-Rod talking about the book on his website, it's fiction but 90% is based on his life. The books ends with little Alex hitting a game winning homerun. I guess that's the 10% fiction part.

Seriously though it's stuff like this combined with his contract and his performance is why everyone hates him.

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Next up, Bill Buckner's children's book which ends on a ground ball that little Bill catches and steps on first and wins the game for his team....


Looking at my 6-year-old neighbor as an example there are a lot of little kids who have A-Rod as their favorite player, so this isn't that stupid an idea. But the ending... that's a laugh-riot.



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Next up, Bill Buckner's children's book which ends on a ground ball that little Bill catches and steps on first and wins the game for his team....

Of course had he caught the ball and stepped on first the game would have continued. The game was tied on that wild pitch a few pitches before.

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Coming next the Bengals get their stripes by the Cincinnati Bengals.

Page 1 one arrest two arrest three arrest four, the Bengals are out breaking the law looking for more.



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Next up, Bill Buckner's children's book which ends on a ground ball that little Bill catches and steps on first and wins the game for his team....

Of course had he caught the ball and stepped on first the game would have continued. The game was tied on that wild pitch a few pitches before.

yeah, but we're talking about a fictional children's story... use your imagination :P

I saw, I came, I left.

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41]There is also a video of A-Rod talking about the book on his website, it's fiction but 90% is based on his life. The books ends with little Alex hitting a game winning homerun. I guess that's the 10% fiction part.

Man, oh, maaaaan, that one was so funny, I laughed out loud! :D


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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Coming next the Bengals get their stripes by the Cincinnati Bengals.

Page 1 one arrest two arrest three arrest four, the Bengals are out breaking the law looking for more.

That joke wasn't funny when I heard it yesterday on Mike and Mike.

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"...and if another little boy caught Alex's grounder, Alex was always fast enough to slap it out of his hands before he could be tagged."

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Coming next the Bengals get their stripes by the Cincinnati Bengals.

Page 1 one arrest two arrest three arrest four, the Bengals are out breaking the law looking for more.

That joke wasn't funny when I heard it yesterday on Mike and Mike.

Well I liked it



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