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Just a friendly game in Buffalo Tonight


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How do you watch fights on www.hockey-fights.com? I can only see the ones linked but I can't find any on the website.

Never mind there is lots of fight footage on hockeyfights.com

I also made a stupid montage video of this and the Roy/Osgood fight seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahx1zXEq3Ag

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I hate when I go to games and the people around me only stand up and cheer when there's a fight. The home team scores a goal and they could care less, they just want to watch people beat the crap out of eachother. All I can think of is "Why the hell would you go to a hockey game then? Watch boxing or UFC or something. Hockey is a real sport."

You're going to hate me for saying this (maybe?) but the only time I ever experienced this was when i went to two NHL games in Sunrise, FL... all (and I mean all) the fans sitting around me would be chanting for a fight, would boo when after a semi-large hit the players didn't fight, etc, etc... eventually there was a fight one game and it didn't last long they all booed.

It was weird.

Well everyone likes a fight. Even the hardcore hockey fans like myself who prefer nice plays and great goals over physicality. But it's the fans that know nothing about the sport except that the players fight alot that bug me.

Makes sense that games in Sunrise would be like that. Most people in Sunrise are probably new to the sport and have alot of money to spend - so they go to a hockey game. What do they know about hockey? They know they fight. That's all anyone really knows about hockey. Fighting put hockey on the map afterall. (And that's great and all for hockey - but bad for people like me who actually like the sport instead of the fighting.) So they go to the games and cheer for fighting.

These are not the kind of fans I want following the NHL. Like I said, fights are great and all - but I don't want it to be the marketing ploy the NHL uses to get fans back. I'm a hockey fan because I like the HOCKEY. I don't want annoying fights every 2 seconds like in the "Old NHL" that disrupted play and annoyed me to the point where I would change the channel when a fight broke out. I like the level of fighting the way it is now. When it happens, it's exciting because it's rare. And brawls like in this game are great because they're even MORE rare and entertaining. But imagine if they happened every week, or even every other day. Although I'm sure some people would like that - it would turn me off the NHL.

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