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Roger clemens comes back


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Hey, not defending the guy, but if I had a chance to play in front of my family and friends at home alongside a good friend, I think I'd jump at it.

I don't think he purposely paid lip service to the Yankees and their fans so that he could abandon them later... if he'd jumped ship for the BoSox, I'd be far more cynical, but it's the Astros. It's not even the American League. He didn't do it totally for the money (I'm not saying it didn't help), and I'm pretty sure he didn't do it to anger Yankee fans.

I still think he'll go in the HOF as a Yankee... and I wouldn't doubt it if he's a Yankee at heart.

Nobody in Dallas said that Emmitt's a traitor, etc. Nobody in Chicago hated Michael Jordan for playing a season or two for Washington. How is this different?

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Nobody in Chicago hated Michael Jordan for playing a season or two for Washington. How is this different?

well, Micheal actually retired, and sat out for awhile before coming back, and everyone in Chicago is a Jordan fan. How many Clemens fans are there left in Boston and Toronto? not many in Toronto I can tell ya

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From what I saw... he never turned in the retirement paper work or something so he never technically retired, I guess.

And I believe he had all intentions to retire, so it's not that he paid lip service.  His family convinced him to go back when they got him an Astros hat signed by each member of the family for Christmas.  And there's NOBODY at fault anymore than the New York Yankees for being stupid with how they handled Andy Pettitte.  They should've given him an extension during the all-star break if they had to just to keep him.  Clemens would never CONSIDER the Astros if not for Pettitte playing there.

I still think he's a d***.  But what can ya do.


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