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Deuce done for the season


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Surely you jest. I thought x-rays came back negative? I picked this clown in the second round of my fantasy draft. :mad:

ESPN just said torn ACL MRI tomorrow to confirm



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Bush can't carry the load himself. He doesn't seem to want to run for the tough yardage. Every play he's looking to break a big one and that's obviously really unrealistic. He's just got to put his head down and pound.

We could see a lot of Stecker now, don't you think?

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The x-rays WERE negative, but x-rays only detect bone problems. That's why they use an MRI to diagnose ligament damage. He's gone for the season, and maybe done for good due to his age and the severe injury to his other knee a couple of years ago.

Deuce is an outstanding player and a stand-up guy. I hate to see this happen to him.

In other news, CB Jason David broke his forearm and will be out 4-6 weeks. Yeah, he's been toasted, but he's also made most of the very few big plays the defense has managed this year.

They literally can't win for losing. :cursing:


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Deuce is an outstanding player and a stand-up guy. I hate to see this happen to him.

Co-signed, and this is coming from a Falcon AND Mississippi St. fan, so I've been rooting especially against this guy for as long as I can remember. But he was still one of the main players in the NFL I looked up to, just because of the fact that he always gave 100%, and was one of those leader-types that anybody would take on their team. I still remember a game 3 years ago in which he basically dragged the entire Falcons defense into the endzone. Best TD I've seen in person, just because of the determination. It really is a shame to see his season, maybe his career because this is the 2nd knee it's happened to IIRC. Shame.

Looks like it's gonna be a battle for last place between the two teams that have been so used to it for 40+ years. Wouldn't have it any other way. :D



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Oh when the Aints... go marching out... oh when the Aints go marching out (of the playoffs)...

That's cold, man. That's just cold.

My wife gets angry when her alma mater, Oklahoma, does stuff like lose to Boise State, but I tell her she has it easy. At least the team she's a fan of has had incredible success, national championships and so on, and is routinely very successful, as opposed to the Saints. Being a Saints fan for any length of time - I mean real fans, not bandwagoneers (I attended my first Saints game at Tulane Stadium in 1969) - takes mental toughness, determination, and true dedication to your team.

For a long, long time, the only thing sustaining Saints fans has been their faith that somehow, some time, every dog does indeed have its day. Well, disappointment is our middle name. We've lived a 1-15 season, paper bags on fans' heads, goofballs christening our team the Aints, losing by having your QB sacked for a safety with a minute left, losing on the last play of the SEASON in 1983 to miss our first trip to the playoffs, draft debacles like Russell Erxleben and Ricky Williams (and Meacham??), getting Earl Campbell and seeing him run like he was wearing a ball and chain on each leg, and finally making the playoffs for the first time only to get blown out 44-10 at home. But even at 0-3 with bad news like Deuce's injury, given the players and coaches we have, even if this season is a disaster we still have hope.

So bring it on. Pile on, one and all. Doesn't bother us a bit. B)


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Oh when the Aints... go marching out... oh when the Aints go marching out (of the playoffs)...

You have to march into the playoffs to march out... ;)

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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Oh when the Aints... go marching out... oh when the Aints go marching out (of the playoffs)...
That's cold, man. That's just cold.

My wife gets angry when her alma mater, Oklahoma, does stuff like lose to Boise State, but I tell her she has it easy. At least the team she's a fan of has had incredible success, national championships and so on, and is routinely very successful, as opposed to the Saints. Being a Saints fan for any length of time - I mean real fans, not bandwagoneers (I attended my first Saints game at Tulane Stadium in 1969) - takes mental toughness, determination, and true dedication to your team.

For a long, long time, the only thing sustaining Saints fans has been their faith that somehow, some time, every dog does indeed have its day. Well, disappointment is our middle name. We've lived a 1-15 season, paper bags on fans' heads, goofballs christening our team the Aints, losing by having your QB sacked for a safety with a minute left, losing on the last play of the SEASON in 1983 to miss our first trip to the playoffs, draft debacles like Russell Erxleben and Ricky Williams (and Meacham??), getting Earl Campbell and seeing him run like he was wearing a ball and chain on each leg, and finally making the playoffs for the first time only to get blown out 44-10 at home. But even at 0-3 with bad news like Deuce's injury, given the players and coaches we have, even if this season is a disaster we still have hope.

So bring it on. Pile on, one and all. Doesn't bother us a bit. B)

You forgot about John Carney's little missed extra point.


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