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It is well-known a lot of casual fans and drunk hooligans alike question the decisions of college football referees week after week. Well Dennis Dodd of Sportsline decided to see if he could really stack up to the real guys, and turns out it's a lot harder than it looks. Doddy scored 46 out of a possible 100 on this test of the laws of the game applied in real situations. Maybe this will cause more people to think about the situation in the referee's shoes before going on a drunken and anger-filled tirade. Maybe not, but it certainly makes you appreciate what they are responsible for knowing and doing and how much :censored: they take, truthfully unfairly in almost every case. Alas, fans have to blame someone, right? (I say this as a guilty party myself)

Anyway, back to the test. How did YOU fare? I'll happily report my terrible score once I finish. Very entertaining stuff.

(online test, PDF)

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This makes me smile. As an amateur hockey official, I'd love to see the loudmouths I've dealt with take the USA Hockey tests that I take every year. I get the feeling they'd fail pretty miserably.


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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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My football officiating organization (and Mass. high schools) uses the NCAA rule book. There is so much in that rules that the average fan doesn't know or understand. Combine that with the weekend warriors who think they know everything by watching Ed Hochuli on Sundays, and it's very frustrating to deal with ignorant coaches and parents.

For example, the NCAA just instituted a penalty for horse-collar tackles for the upcoming season. Until then, it was only a penalty in the NFL. Very dangerous, yes, and highly discouraged, but not a penalty.

So this is what happens at a Pop Warner (youth level, also following modified NCAA rules) game:

Coach: That was a horse collar tackle! My kid was pulled down by the neck from behind!

Me (referee): yes it was

Coach: that's a penalty

Me: no, it;s not

Coach: it was a horse collar tackle!

Me: very observant. Want a cookie?

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That's definitely something I'm going to go over tomorrow...and I'd do it now if it weren't 1:35 in the morning...

And I'm going to just admit right now, I'm a MUCH bigger NFL than college fan. I could probably do better on that one than a college. That being said, just looking at a couple sample questions, I doubt I'd do so well on either...I'll let ya know...


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As a football official, I think that only Texas and two or three other stated use NCAA football rules, so those who officiate may score lower as they may think NFHS rules initially. But as for the general poster, I am not sure if they will even know. While the rules are normally cut and dry, there is a casebook which goes through special plays, like this test. I will await until I am sober to take the test.

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