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CCSLC The Apprentice: Challenge 2 Follow-up

Mac the Knife

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hate to bump this, but I'm too darn excited. Have the shirts been sent out yet? Has anyone received them?

I might be gone within the next couple of days and wanted to know if mine is near and if I need to have someone pick it up for me. My neighbors are petty thieves, and the UPS guy just drops parcels arbitrarily about the property.

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They haven't been shipped yet - I've put them on the back burner for a little while, as our softball season just started this week and we just finished a fall flag football recruitment drive yesterday. I have a stack of paper on my desk a foot high (no exaggeration) that I need to tackle, after which the first thing on my list is getting the shirts ready to mail out.

My apologies for the delays guys. I've just been overrun with stuff that requires more immediate attention.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys, an update - thanks to Hurricane Hanna, I will finally find sufficient time in my schedule tomorrow to at long last finish packaging up the shirts for the teams. On Monday morning I will, provided the post office is open (and there's no reason it shouldn't be unless Hanna directly impacts the Raleigh area) finally fulfill my promise and get these mailed out; I apologize for the delays - I've just finished wrapping up quite literally the busiest time in our organization's history, and this got pushed to the back-burner several times as a result.

Anyway, those of you who are here in the U.S. should start perusing your mailboxes sometime late next week; for those of you outside the greater 48 it may take a while longer - but on Monday, they will be on their way come hell, high water or Hanna!


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Follow-up on the update to the follow-up:

The shirts are now officially (and finally) in the mail. As I said Saturday I found time to packaging up the shirts, and they were mailed out this morning - in two cases at a cost that was more than the shirt production costs, but what the hell.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anyone, but if I somehow did (you'll know if you don't receive it within 5-7 business days in the U.S., can't say about elsewhere) let me know - I still have a few of each team's design left over.


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Yeah! I received my Wake County Wombats t-shirt today, no 95'ers, though. Thanks D.P.

Yeah, I sent you a PM with an explanation - for those inquiring minds who want to know, essentially the screen printer goofed up on two fronts: he shorted the order plus ordered the wrong color. Normally he's Johnny on the spot with this kind of thing, but he has a new kid fresh out of school working for him, and the kid goofed. I got them for free when I pointed it out, so I won't bitch; but I'm holding off on sending out the 95'ers shirt until I get the right one.

I'm getting some PM's from some folks saying they've received their shirts. USPS must be on the ball for a change. Way to go, Postal! (wait a minute, that could be misinterpreted)

Good Job, USPS!


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i got my shirt, thanks alot, i like it alot.

but i did get the other teams shirt, the yellow one (Prodigy). i was on Optimus, not that i care at all it is very nice,

im not asking for the other shirt but maby if you have extras or one dosnt get used i could always give it a home.

but thank you alot for what you did do

P.S.- i saw that postage cost was like 2 bucks, thats alot when you add up everyone, thatks

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Very nice. I approve. Many thanks again.

The postage must've been a lot... I'll consider it my birthday present in 3 days. ^_^

Yeah! I received my Wake County Wombats t-shirt today, no 95'ers, though. Thanks D.P.

Yeah, I sent you a PM with an explanation - for those inquiring minds who want to know, essentially the screen printer goofed up on two fronts: he shorted the order plus ordered the wrong color. Normally he's Johnny on the spot with this kind of thing, but he has a new kid fresh out of school working for him, and the kid goofed. I got them for free when I pointed it out, so I won't bitch; but I'm holding off on sending out the 95'ers shirt until I get the right one.

I'm getting some PM's from some folks saying they've received their shirts. USPS must be on the ball for a change. Way to go, Postal! (wait a minute, that could be misinterpreted)

Good Job, USPS!

Sadly, that doesn't fill me in on who the Wake County Wombats and 95ers are. Is it related to this?

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Sadly, that doesn't fill me in on who the Wake County Wombats and 95ers are. Is it related to this?

Yes, and no. Those teams are in the same league as you guys' challenge. I did the logos for Mac, and he sent me one of the shirts, but not the other. A mix up on the printer's part, but I was not aware of that until Mac gave the details.

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[quote name='ShinyHubCaps' date='Thursday, September 11th, 2008 - 00:25:48' post='1014522'

Very nice. I approve. Many thanks again.

Wonder how you got yours before I did since I am about half the distance away from Raleigh as you are. Hopefully there isn't a mix-up.

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Wonder how you got yours before I did since I am about half the distance away from Raleigh as you are. Hopefully there isn't a mix-up.

If you're too close to air it, they may just drive it all the way. That's how UPS works, so I assume Postal Service is the same.

Did you get it yet?

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Wonder how you got yours before I did since I am about half the distance away from Raleigh as you are. Hopefully there isn't a mix-up.

If you're too close to air it, they may just drive it all the way. That's how UPS works, so I assume Postal Service is the same.

Did you get it yet?

I didn't get a chance to check today- gonna look this afternoon.

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Crappy news for anyone who hasn't got theirs yet, because mine came this morning. Haven't seen it yet because I've just moved house, but I'm assured it looks great.

I really wouldn't have minded if you didn't bother sending me one, being all the way across the pond, so thanks very much! I feel like I should send you something to return the favour! :D

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i got my shirt, thanks alot, i like it alot.

but i did get the other teams shirt, the yellow one (Prodigy). i was on Optimus, not that i care at all it is very nice,

im not asking for the other shirt but maby if you have extras or one dosnt get used i could always give it a home.

but thank you alot for what you did do

P.S.- i saw that postage cost was like 2 bucks, thats alot when you add up everyone, thatks

Two bucks was nothing compared to the ones I had to send internationally; it's all for a good cause though.

Send me a PM with your address again, and next chance I get I'll get the right one out your way.


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Crappy news for anyone who hasn't got theirs yet, because mine came this morning. Haven't seen it yet because I've just moved house, but I'm assured it looks great.

I really wouldn't have minded if you didn't bother sending me one, being all the way across the pond, so thanks very much! I feel like I should send you something to return the favour! :D

Five days from North Carolina to the United Kingdom? Wow. I'm impressed. The one I sent to Argentina hopefully will get there soon as well - either that or we'll be hearing about it being received around Christmas. LOL

I'm just living up to my end guys. I'm just sad that it took so long for me to get off my ass and get them out to you.


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