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Looking for some input


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I can't stand the Warriors current look, the colors don't work very well IMO. I love the old Warriors, with blue and yellow. So i was tinkering around with their old logo and was tryin to give it a modern update. I'm not sure if it's that good or not, and I am stuck. I need some helping tweaking it a bit. C&C wlecome.



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well, the bridge definitely looks more realistic. If I were you, I'd likely be in the same position: stuck, in a way. The only thing really leaping out at me that needs to be changed is the font you used, but otherwise I wish I could put my finger on anything that would improve this further. An existensialist's logo if I ever saw one, it doesn't suck but it's not great, in its present state, it's kinda just there.

I dunno, maybe it's like that missing sock in the dryer, the answer's in some long-forgotten place and you need to run around like a headless chicken for a minute.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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stylize the bridge more...use bolder, thicker strokes and less detail and work on a new font - this looks like a bunch of elements just thrown together

Leggman is right. Use bolder strokes and less detail on bridge. Place Golden State above bridge and maybe slant WARRIORS to the right to give a different effect, but in all, pretty good.

L'etoile du nord

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Like the others have said, simplify, simplify. Just make the font a little more interesting, clean up that logo (make it bolder, less detailed, more recognizable), and you're set. Also, would navy and yellow work better than royal and yellow? Just wondering.


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-simplify the bridge

-straighten out the lines on the basketball

-remove the glowing effect from "Warriors"

-remove the faint blue splotches on upper and middle left of the circle

-try a new font

Otherwise it's a pretty decent logo, I think. :blues::vaderandluke:

1/27/09- It was me, and I am sorry.

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