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Various NFL Concepts


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Hello all,

My first concept ever to be posted on these boards is here! I'm a freshman in high school, so I'm not exactly rolling in dough. And I have a Mac. So, the medium with which my concepts are created is the fine specimen known as a marker set. I use Pentel, by the way, and then I took pictures of my creations and uploaded them. I know these aren't anything approaching the level of concept-gods like Elliot or Brandon Odis, but I think they came out pretty well. I'll add more as I go along. Also, I apologize for the link. I'm not sure how to get the picture itself directly in.

First up, the Jacksonville Jaguars. I like simple uniforms, but there's a fine line between simple and bland. The Jaguars cross that, and their confounding lack of any striping whatsoever (except on the white pants) dooms their unis. So I put in a little more gold, added some black, a new logo, some striping, and...presto!

Home Jersey


Road Jersey


Alternate Jersey



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I rather like the unconventional striping in these, and I like that you went different, too. Almost everybody does Jags concepts with Jaguar spots.

And as for the fact that you used markers and pencil, more power to you! So many people complain about the whole "My concept sucks because I use MS Paint!" but you go and do a concept off the computer, and the quality is far better than what most of those people do in paint.

I say keep up the work! And someday you'll get the proper programs to design these graphically, trust me, one way or another.


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Wow, I must say this really surprised me. Mostly because I used to do concepts with markers, before I knew about this site, and they sure weren't this clean. I really like the striping, and I think it fits the Jaguars well. Great work, I am looking forward to seeing more from you!


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