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Victoriaville Tigres & Drummondville Voltigeurs


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My goal in most of my concepts is to dole out a distinctive, relatively unique apperance. Real life workability, too, is something I aim for, but most of the time that takes a backseat to the aforementioned. This, presumably, is one of those times.


All the striping is...drumroll please..........alternating rightside-up/upside-down V's. And they're even on the breezers, as I was momentarily tired of only ever seeing solid black pants.

V turned out to be my letter of the day, here go the Drummondville Voltigeurs. The home/away striping is simple, yet unique, and I simply liked the design of the third.



A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Man those are wild - great concepts, I love the Tigres Alt (all those Vs)

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yeh scout, after teh home/away was done, I took one look at the V's and figured while I'm at it, I may as well mimic Arsenal's bruised banana shirts


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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1) I like the fact that there are no white jerseys involved here at all.

2) I love the striping on the home and away Voltiguers jerseys. Also, the fat typeface you used for the numbers fits the chunkiness of the striping. Overall, a very unique, appealing set. ^_^

3) Criticism: I don't like the Voltiguers' third. It looks like any other hockey jersey ever. Why not do a black jersey with the chunky striping? (I'd guess you'd have to change the base color of the stripe to red or grey though.)

4) Voltiguers is fun to say. Incrediballer, it means "infantrymen" in (ostensibly) French.

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These are solid. What do Voltigeurs mean BTW? I assume it's a French term.

thank you, thank you...Cunningham pretty much covered the essence of it: French for Infantrymen

2) I love the striping on the home and away Voltiguers jerseys. Also, the fat typeface you used for the numbers fits the chunkiness of the striping. Overall, a very unique, appealing set.

thanks man, as I said I was aiming for something that was simultaneously simple and distinctive, and I'd kind of played out anything V-related in the Tigres set.

3) Criticism: I don't like the Voltiguers' third. It looks like any other hockey jersey ever. Why not do a black jersey with the chunky striping? (I'd guess you'd have to change the base color of the stripe to red or grey though.)

so you think I played that one too safe, eh? heh, I guess you could interpret this dual release as somewhat schizophrenic, in that the Tigres set displays a straight up obsession with the letter V while the Voltigeurs set shows a conscious effort to avoid the same craze, or an obsession with restraint...or something to that effect.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I can't endorse a yellow home jersey, but the idea for the V-striping was a great one. The Blue Jays numbers don't jell, though. Everything is very sharp and angular, what with all the Vs, but the numbers are rounded and italicized. Still, inspired stuff.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Drummondville is definately my favorite out of the two. The Tigres alternate is way too much IMO. All of the V's become distracting as you look at it. I would like to see the Drummondville set on a body form, it would probably look very nice.

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