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WNBA Concept..


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I just found this website and thought it'd be awesome to try and design my own concept. I made the mistake of asking my gf what I should do first. She recommended the Portland Roses. This was the only basketball template I could find.. looks pretty sloppy, but overall I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. I'd really appreciate some constructive criticism.


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For a first concept, It's not bad. Let me give you some constructive criticism on this.

- The font you are using is pretty generic. If you are going for a 70's look, then it works. But if you want the feel of a team that is playing in this decade, go with something different.

-Same deal with the number.

-Colors are too bright. Tone it down just a little bit on the brightness.

-With the 'P' and 'D' stretching all the way up and all the way down, again it gives off the feel of a 70's set. I'm not a fan of that.

Hope this helps.

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What jay said about the fonts.

The rose looks good, but I don't really get what the other shapes on the sides are supposed to be.

I don't like the extended p and d. either. It's creative, but poorly executed.

Do the player name in Caps.

I think you should make the trim pink instead of black. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

Maybe you could make the main color red to tie in with the Trailblazers.

Overall, good work. But it could really use some cleaning up.

Oh, and :welcome:

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The retina burning pink must go. There is not enough contrast between the red and the pink. Either go with another pink or use red. Also, rather than black, how about a dark green?

The soft petal shapes and the hard lines are at odds with on another. They feel like ideas from two different jerseys thrown together.

well i also now realize that pretty much any attempt at making anything cool for this team name is pretty much futile lol.. but thanks for the input.. i will definitely apply these things to my next concept

Nah, there is plenty you could do with this name. Just try out some some sketches before you go back to the computer.

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Nice job for your first concept. My only comments are, and I agree with a couple of the other replies, in darkening up the pink a little, it's very bright. Second and this just may be me, but the rose on the shorts seems a little big. Other than that I think this is a solid start.

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Is that rose the Rose Bowl logo? I can't really tell, if it is I don't know that they would appreciate their logo being used, but that's a minor detail. I like the logo, the font works well for the style you're going for. Switch up the color of the text; white numbers on a white jersey would be hard to see, even with the stroke. Try green letters with a pink stroke like you did for the name. Same goes for the white logo. This is a really solid WNBA concept, and very good job for a first concept.

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The new one is MUCH better. The font looks good and it fits the logo and the name a little better IMO. Green is a better accent color than black was, because of how it's a color that you'd actually see on a rose. The pattern on the side panel is very creative too. I like that. The only thing I would change would be to changed the font for the names. It would hardly be legible on the court if these were real jerseys.

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Is that rose the Rose Bowl logo? I can't really tell, if it is I don't know that they would appreciate their logo being used, but that's a minor detail. I like the logo, the font works well for the style you're going for. Switch up the color of the text; white numbers on a white jersey would be hard to see, even with the stroke. Try green letters with a pink stroke like you did for the name. Same goes for the white logo. This is a really solid WNBA concept, and very good job for a first concept.

haha you have a good eye.. yes that originally was the rose bowl logo.. i obviously changed the color and edded some darker highlights to it to make it more detailed.. here it is with the revision you suggested.


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The new one is MUCH better. The font looks good and it fits the logo and the name a little better IMO. Green is a better accent color than black was, because of how it's a color that you'd actually see on a rose. The pattern on the side panel is very creative too. I like that. The only thing I would change would be to changed the font for the names. It would hardly be legible on the court if these were real jerseys.

thanks for the compliments, and to be honest i went through every font i have to try and find a suitable one.. 85% of my fonts are too horizontal.. I need to find some fonts that could work on a jersey.. :(

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