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Final 4 Hockey Concepts


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Ok with the Final for starting, I decided to do hockey concepts for each of the Schools. Right Now I have done Uconn, expect more to come. Comments are welcomed.

For Uconn I used the Wild template, I think it fits and looks good with the logo.


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I'd add shoulder logos and sleeve numbers. And while the jersey certainly does look real good with the logo, I've never been a fan of that logo. To me, it looks a little too fluffy and not hungry enough. The eyes kinda make it look sad, and that's no good when trying to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. Overall I like the jersey though.




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UConn's official colors are blue (PANTONE©#281) and white. for some reason, some of the athletic teams have red as a third color, some of them have silver. practically every uniform has a different wordmark as well. they really need to work on their consistancy. btw, your UConn hockey jersey is much nicer than their actual hockey jerseys


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I lokk forward to seeing all four. Just to tell you know, Tech tends to prwfer white jerses with gold lettering.. and duke likes their blues.

Awesome idea.

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