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2009 MLB Awards


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Personally, given the turnaround in the Yankees I think its hard to look beyond Girardi for MOY, though I appreciate the Yankees are easier to turn around than a lot of teams. And whilst Sciosia has done a good job this year at the Angels, especially in the circumstances, they, as you mention, have been division champs for 3 years now. So its a close call, but personally its Girardi for me.

One other slight gripe, I find this turn of phrase

If you do not think Albert Pujols is the Most Valuable Player in the National League, you do not have any credibility.

A bit hard to swallow. I'm not saying Pujols shouldn't be MVP, but I think accusing someone who disagrees with your views, posted on an amateur website, as 'lacking credibility' is a bit rich.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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A 1.7 WAR wins rookie of the year? C'mon, Tnak.

ERA, K, W, Saves, Walks, WHIP Those are real stats, WAR is what is going on in Afghanistan.

You never fail me, Tnak. Never.

Alright, let's do some stat comparisons here.

ERA(which is NOT a good stat, but since it's one of the ones you picked): 4.06 - 4.04

IP: 175 - 165

K: 150 - 81

Walks: 45 - 50

WHIP: 1.283 - 1.345

K/9: 7.7 - 4.4

K/BB: 3.3 - 1.62

FIP: 3.69 - 4.81

The difference? One player plays on a bad team, therefore went 11-11. The other player plays on a good team, and went 14-9.

I'm actually almost surprised that you even acknowledged WHIP. Almost seems like it would be too "sabermetrics" for the all might Tnak.

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