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Lacrosse Identity Concept


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Here is a concept I came up with for a team called the Calgary Mountaineers. They are a lacrosse team. This is an update to an old concept like this one. I owe GMS and Evan much thanks for them helping to smooth out my ideas and helping me. Those guys are great! Anyways, here it is! Let me know what you think.


Please post some feedback!

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Does anyone have an idea as to how I could incorporate more of a lacrosse theme? I am stuck on making it look more lacrosse-like. Although I am not sure I have to. You can't identify all hockey jerseys as hockey jerseys. So should I have it represent lacrosse more or is it fine? Input is appreciated. Thanks for your time!


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Does anyone have an idea as to how I could incorporate more of a lacrosse theme? I am stuck on making it look more lacrosse-like. Although I am not sure I have to. You can't identify all hockey jerseys as hockey jerseys. So should I have it represent lacrosse more or is it fine? Input is appreciated.

I don't think you need to. Almost every lacrosse team tries to put a stick in their logo, and it gets tiring.

One observation is that it reminds me a lot of the Colorado Mammoths... the colours, the mountain theme... if these were for the NLL, I'd recommend adjusting it... if they're just fantasy, they look good as is.

They'd look plenty like lacrosse jerseys if the people wearing them would be :gasp: lacrosse players. ^_^

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The most important thing about a jersey is how it looks draped over a person. Once you stick that baby on a lacrosse player, the people in the stands will figure out it's a lacrosse jersey. Don't worry about making it more lacrosse-ish.

I made up an adjective.




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I'm normally not crazy about gray on anything that isn't a baseball road uniform, but I think this works.

I agree with SyPhi that it doesn't need to be more lacrosseish (as Shmee2k6 would say) and that the stick gets overdone. I think sticking it on a Lacrosse jersey is all you really need.

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Oh yes BTW. The jersey concept is very nice, props to yourself and GMS on this also. Oh yes and heres a better picture of the logo on a black background for easier viewing...


peshtigobloglogocc.jpg twittericonkingslut.gif
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As an enthusist of LAX, I love these concepts (don't worry, I wont' steal them). You should join our fantasy lacrosse league, THE United Lacrosse League. Contact Ez Street about joining the ULL. You could use these as you team logo and unis.

Great Work Steve-O !!! :notworthy:

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