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Toronto Maple Leafs

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Another issue with using this type of jersey in real life is that longer last names will not fit in the space allotted for the nameplate, and you'd end up with white letters on a white background and vice versa.

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You need to flip the numbers on the front view, as in put the 8 where the 1 is and vice versa.

Facebook: CustomSportsCovers Twitter: CSCovers


No because when the Irish came to Ireland and first came in contact with the leprechaun people, they didn't take their land away and force them to move west. Instead, the two groups learned to assimilate peacefully. However, certain tribes of the leprechaun refused to taint the pure blood and moved north into the forests of Ireland, only to be seen rarely, usually at the same time of a rainbows appearance and occasionally at the factories of Lucky Charms.

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Shoulder numbers fixed,

Not quite, now you gotta rotate the 1 on the front view 90 degrees lol. The front view and back view should look exactly the same when it comes to the shoulder numbers.

Facebook: CustomSportsCovers Twitter: CSCovers


No because when the Irish came to Ireland and first came in contact with the leprechaun people, they didn't take their land away and force them to move west. Instead, the two groups learned to assimilate peacefully. However, certain tribes of the leprechaun refused to taint the pure blood and moved north into the forests of Ireland, only to be seen rarely, usually at the same time of a rainbows appearance and occasionally at the factories of Lucky Charms.

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Nice. It looks like the Leafs and Stars had a baby, and in a good way. I'm not fond of the sleeve stripes, as they are too classic for this modern concept. I like adding blue to the sleeves of the blue jersey and vice versa, but there has to be a better way than the stripes. Overall, it's quite good.

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Contrasting colors have been added to the end of the sleeves, the "1"s on the shoulders are fixed, and the emblem has been reduced in size.

Congratulations on this update - it's wonderful! You managed to walk such a fine line by bringing a very modern sensibility to the uniform without falling down the rabbit hole of using lots of new elements simply because they are at your disposal. Personally, I liked it without the stripes (though I understand about potential confusion) because it let my eye focus on the most exciting element - the leaf outline - without distraction.

Very inspiring to someone relatively new to all of this (me!).

"Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes."

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Thanks! The more I look at it though, the more I like the classic stripes on there. I'm no hockey fan, but I'm assuming the prevailing opinion in the fandom is that it just ain't the Maple Leafs without those stripes. I guess it's a nice way of ceding to tradition a little bit and keeping a recognizable link to the past.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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