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Atlanta Thrashers


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wow. I don't hate it...perhaps because it reminds me so much of the Kansas City Scouts, yet does so without copying them. If it weren't for the precedent set by the scouts, I'd say the striping is way too busy...but in its own way, it works.

I always thought that was their best logo, and you incorporated the colors so they actually work in a traditionalist hockey template. Having talked myself through all the pieces here, I like it.

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I think I can honestly say I'm sold on a Thrashers concept for once. I agree with hockey week on the whole Scouts resemblance. But, it works extremely well with the colors. However, I do think a few things should be revised. First, start with the logo. I feel there should be a white outline outside of the logo to balance it out from the sweater. Plus, when you look at most sweaters there is a white outline anyways on home uniforms. Also, change the white center of the logo back to that powder blue color. I also think the color should be worked on slightly. I'm not a fan of the yellow inside color thingy. Maybe switch the navy in there and make the top part of the color yellow? Try quirking some little things and I think you've got me 100% sold. Nice job.


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Agreed on the Kansas City Scouts look, but it utilizes the Thrashers' colors very well while looking classic, as if paying homage to the Scouts.

In my humble opinion, (and this is a touch off-topic), the Thrashers could become the new Scouts. But like I said before, that's another story.

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I did use the KC Scouts jersey as the basic template for my concept. There is alot you can do with the colors dark red, dark blue, yellow, white and powder blue. And since the Thrashers are an organisation that just can't get it right, I've decided that they should "borrow" from a team who used some of those colors in a much better way. Not only does my concept kind of ressurect a vintage look from the past, it also features a bit of input novelty so that it has a look of it's own.

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the logo looks better. the striping, in my opinion, does not. The original striping you had there was better. While I agree with WildWinger that you should try tweaking a bunch of things to see if there is a better option out there, this one isn't it. Keep it up!

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I like it alot, I'm a big fan of that logo for the Thrashers. I wish they'd use that logo in some facet for their third rather than the crappy ones they have now. I actually own an old away Thrashers jersey with that T logo on it.


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It looks great, except for one thing: the light blue. If you made all the bright blue on the original version into navy, it'd be perfect.

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It looks good, but I think you should tone down the stripes a bit, right now I think they are a bit too busy. I would lose the outer red and yellow stripes. I also echo other posters in that you should make the white in the logo light blue. Good star so far.



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