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New Wha Gets Slammed By Partner League...

Brian in Boston

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Well, the new World Hockey Association has been publicly blasted... by the leaders of the minor-league that was supposed to become its farm system.

The leadership of WHA2 has announced that they're severing their "partnership" with the WHA... in reality, before it even begins. The Alabama Slammers, Asheville Aces, Jacksonville Barracudas, Lakeland Loggerheads, Macon Trax, Orlando Seals and a Cape Coral, Florida-based expansion team have aligned themselves with the new Eastern Hockey League for next season. The Miami Manatees will suspend operations for a year, while looking to relocate in time for the 2005-2006 EHL season.

At least two WHA2 officials have gone on record about the split.

Taylor Hall, the President of Alabama Professional Hockey (owner of the Slammers) has stated:

"Promises of financial support, guidance, and the possibility of the WHA2 member teams having a future as a developmental league for the WHA never materialized, and it is not likely they ever will materialize."

Dave Waronker, founder of WHA2 and owner of the league's Jacksonville and Orlando franchises, had this to say:

"The WHA failed to provide the committed ownership groups it assured us it would have, and it turns out they wanted me to invest my money and several of my franchises - including Jacksonville and Orlando - into their league, and I was just not going to do that.

"Once the WHA started to go behind my back and approach our own buildings and our own staff members, where we have current offices and lease deals in place, enough was enough. We could not continue to share the same name with a league so desperate for franchises that it would try to undermine the franchises of a supposed business partner. We just had to break away and leave the WHA name a part of its failed history.

"You sure learn from your mistakes, and you learn that in this business it is very important to align with good, honest people. People with integrity. Also, it is important to align with people who have their own money at risk."

Reportedly, the Eastern Hockey League will be holding a press conference today at which the organization's first four ownership groups will be introduced. This just happens to be a day before the new WHA is scheduled to hold a meeting of its own, at which all groups planning on operating in the league's inaugural season were supposed to be on hand. It would appear that the timing of the EHL's press conference, as well as the public comments by Waronker and Hall, were meant to preclude the WHA from attempting to steal markets and arena leases out from under the EHL.

Bottom line: the new WHA's prospects aren't as glowing as they would have the public believe. Even with the looming NHL work stoppage, I'm betting that the WHA leadership has a tough - close to impossible - time of successfully launching their league. It just doesn't seem that the interest is there on the part of enough ownership groups... which is exacerbated by the problems with lining up arena leases in many of the targeted markets. The NHL's players may want the option that a new WHA would offer, but it appears that the new league's leaders aren't the most business savvy and/or detail-oriented bunch.

Brian in Boston

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I emailed John Buccirgross a few months ago when I first started to hear more and more about the new WHA. Bucci responded saying that the WHA would be a non-facotr, long work-stoppage or not. Goes to show ya...when in doubt, consult Bucci. Great guy, too. Responds to tons of emails personally and with honest, descriptive, and intelligent answers.

Sucks for the guys trying to restart the WHA for the WHA2 to pull out and join up with the new EHL. This is, as many old fighting video games would have you know, a "critical hit" to the WHA's re-launch attempt.




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"Sucks for the guys trying to restart the WHA for the WHA2 to pull out"??? Are you serious?

If there's even a bit of truth to the charge that the WHA's leadership went behind the back of owners in the WHA2 in order to try and secure lease agreements in the latter's member cities/arenas, then I've got to say that the WHA2 owners were more than justified in giving this so-called "partnership" the heave-ho.

The new WHA is getting exactly what it deserves.

Brian in Boston

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"Sucks for the guys trying to restart the WHA for the WHA2 to pull out"??? Are you serious?

Yes... I'm not saying I feel bad for them, Captain Jumps-to-Conclusions. I'm merely saying that it sucks for the WHA guys. That in no way means I think it was wrong for the WHA2 to pull out. I think they did the right thing. A business partner was moving in on their territory, so they got pissed and pailed. Smart move. It just sucks for the WHA guys that they've got nothing to work with now. You know, like you spill your chocolate milk on your pants that don't have the Dockers Stain Defender (which is a miraculous invention, works very well) and your friend, making fun, yells "Sucks for You!" That's what I mean...If you smell :therock:




The world's foremost practitioners of professional tag-team wrestling.



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I don't see what the WHA2 is bitching about. From what I understand, those teams went to the WHA for support when they abandoned the ACHL. The WHA wasn't really in a place to support them (too busy putting their own league together) but they said they would anyway. The WHA2 should have known it wouldn't work out. At the time, the WHA didn't even have any teams, what did the WHA2 expect the WHA to do before next season?

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April 20, 2004 - The World Hockey Association has advised David Waronker the owner /operator of WHA2 to cease & desist the use of the trademark name WHA2 at the conclusion of the past season. The World Hockey Association has had no legal affiliation with WHA2 with the exception of the granting David Waronker the right to use the trademark name. The World Hockey Association has no responsibility for any debt occurred by WHA2 and all debtors should contact David Waronker.

The important parts are the last two lines.

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I emailed John Buccirgross a few months ago when I first started to hear more and more about the new WHA. Bucci responded saying that the WHA would be a non-facotr, long work-stoppage or not. Goes to show ya...when in doubt, consult Bucci. Great guy, too. Responds to tons of emails personally and with honest, descriptive, and intelligent answers.

Sucks for the guys trying to restart the WHA for the WHA2 to pull out and join up with the new EHL. This is, as many old fighting video games would have you know, a "critical hit" to the WHA's re-launch attempt.

Shmee, what is Buccigross' e-mail? I also have some questions I want to ask him.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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