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New Sport - Field Ball


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EDIT 7/4/2011: After a few corrections, changes and things I've settled on the name RunnBall for this new sport. A new logo, updated Field Diagram and some simplified rules.



Rules and Gameplay:

  • Game is played on rectangular field with dimensions similar to American Football.
  • Two 30-Minute Halves. If needed, 1 Full 10-Minute Overtime, then Shootout. 3 shooters a side.
  • Two Teams of 9 - 8 Position Players and 1 Goalkeeper per side.
  • 8 Position Players should be divided into 5 Forwards and 3 Defensemen.
  • All Position Players are free to roam the field.
  • Unlimited Substitutions allowed
  • Substitutions permitted during gameplay as well as stoppages.

  • Game Begins with a Jump Ball at the CenterLine as does the second half and overtime periods.
  • Object of the game is to score into the opponents net. The team with the higher goals at the end of the game wins that game.
  • Contact for the most part is allowed. Blind-side Hits, Hits to the Head, targeted hits to vulnerable areas, and excessive force hits are NOT permitted and will result in penalties and disciplinary action as needed.
  • Shoulder to Shoulder contact on stationary screens and on plays for lose ball are permitted.
  • If a Team decides to play half-field offense like basketball, the defensive team is allowed to attempt to knock the ball out of the players hand.
  • Running a player over or clotheslines are NOT permitted. Charging is a change of possession or penalty depending on the severity. Clothesline is a major penalty and results in an automatic Disqualification.
  • Players may use any part of their body to score, pass or move the ball and score. The Exception is the Crease.
  • A offensive player may NOT use their hands inside the crease at ANY time.
  • A offensive player MAY enter the crease only after an initial shot for a rebound attempt.
  • A shooter may jump outside the crease and into the crease to attempt a shot or pass provided he remains in the air and releases the ball prior to landing.
  • Taking a player down, holding, grabbing the jersey or uniform, impeding a players progress to gain an advantage results in a penalty.
  • A sliding defensive player going for the ball, must make contact with ball first.
  • A Defensive player may push the offensive player/ball carrier to gain/re-gain possession of the ball provided the defensive player has made contact with the ball first.
  • Fighting is NOT permitted and will result in an immediate ejection and subject to further disciplinary action



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Nice job so far. Hopefully you'll continue to expand upon this idea, and maybe even create some interesting concepts to go along with it, as this has the potential to be an interesting thread.

Concepts like a league logo, jerseys, or even create teams or something.



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Thanks for the comments. Keep them coming. Yes, things always are changing. And my goal was to make it fun to play and inexpensive.

I'm working right now on tweaking the field a bit - adding the "offside" line. The rule would be players could cross the Centerline prior to the ball, but could not cross the offside line until the ball crossed the CenterLine. The same "tag up" rule that exists in the NHL would apply if the ball went back over the CenterLine - offensive players would have to tag up and would not be allowed to cross the offside until the ball returns to their offensive zone (i.e. crosses the offside line).

Here's an example.


i'm also summarizing the rules to make it a little simpler for description and explanation purposes.

Anyway I hope to create some concepts and teams and stuff. If anyone wants to - by all means feel free. I'm also considering a new "Field Ball" logo since the ball in the one above looks like a beach ball. So if anyone has some ideas and wants to post them please do. :)



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I don't mean to be rude, but this is kind of just "screw around on a soccer field during recess" with an offside rule. I mean, not that I'm not intrigued by the premise of a full rulebook and team concepts and stuff, but it is what it is.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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How about calling it "fly ball"...reminds me a lot of rugby with less contact, and many of the rules of rugby are designed to keep the game moving.

I also like that it's a game most anyone could play and you don't need a lot of equipment.

"I did absolutely nothing and it was everything I thought it could be." -Peter Gibbons

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  • 2 weeks later...

The admiral - well it started out on a soccer field, but it's now on a lacrosse field :D But I see where you get that perception, as I think a lot of team sports are controlled chaos.

Besides "Screw around on a soccer field at recess" is how you keep your kids occupied and get them out exercising. When I have kids that's what they be doing - playing sports, and not sitting in front of the TV getting fat and slow like me. I used to be athletic, but since surgery 14 years ago, I've not been able to play as much as I want.

All the comments though are really helping, as this is still in development. I'm working on tweaking the rules to allow more contact. Yes, it's similar to Rugby, but no tackling in this game, at least not at this stage :D Rugby reminds me too much of Muckle, "Kill the Carrier" or the less PC term as I knew it "Smear the Queer"

I like Fly Ball as the name. I consider that.

Though, I'm in the proccess of wiriting a movie and a subsequent TV show script in which the alien race of shifters play this game on their home planet. The capital city on the home planet is Prevana'Dei meaning "Prevailing God" in their language and I was going to call it DaeBall or Dei Ball. Now I don't know any shifters here in North America or on Earth, but on Earth the game is turning out to be like a combo of rugby, lacrosse, soccer, and other sports.

mjrbaseball - Thanks!! :)

Jahgee -Yes it is!! :) Kronum got me to get out my papers from three years ago and rework this sport. I like Kronum, but as mentioned in the OP and the Kronum thread there are a few big hurdles for anyone to just go and play. But I'd love to be working with the Kronum inventor(s) and I've talked with a few of them before. Not sure I've introduced this to them yet or not. Whoever did their website and video tutorial for the game did a fantastic job.

With all my tweaking the rules and fields the one thing that remains a constant and I keep reminding myself not to change is "keep it simple stupid" and "make it where just about anyone can head to a soccer field/lacrosse field, football field or open patch of grass and play.

I do want to get all of your feedback on if you think the lacrosse type set up works, mainly the field - should it be soccer field length or does lacrosse size field suit it better? A Refresher is 7 position players per side on the field at once - That's 14 players. I'd prefer the Goalies to stay close to the nets, just because my current rules suit it better, and the jump shots (Where the most contact is permitted) , but if I'm reworking rules, I'm open to seeing how people like the free roam rule with Goalies - where they'd be able to be a part of the play. The current goal is small for a reason, it makes players more creative, at least I think, but after seeing that Mexico goal vs the USA, maybe not as much as I thought :) I like the offside rule near the goal crease, as I want fast breaks.

Also if your wondering - I created this sport after watch NBA players travel and though if they want to carry the ball, then I create a sport where they can run with the ball and it will be legal. Though I originally had a a player must dribble/bounce the ball in the backfield/defensive zone and if the player with the ball took one step, it would be a "False start". But I remembered about the players and the carrying the ball that helped me come up with this sport, so I dropped the dribbling/bouncing requirement and made it optional.

Anyway, I'm procrastinating on drafting some rule changes, but let me know your thoughts.

I'll also see if I can get some sort of timeline going on my first draft to where I am now in field diagrams and rules changes.

Thanks!! :)

EDIT: and yes, team concepts are being considered/developed, etc. Just want to get the rules and diagram finalized.



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A team of seven or eight running on a field with the dimensions of a soccer field is a lot of ground to cover. I know you want kids to get exercise, but wouldn't they get worn out quickly running that much?

Especially since you're using a ball that's at minimum the size of a volleyball, you're asking a lot of the players to be able to throw that one a considerable distance. I know you have kicking allowed, but with kids, I see them spending more time chasing after a loose ball than moving it forward with any sense of control.

Take a look at people playing pick-up games of football or soccer...most use an area that's only about at long as the width of the field. Unless you have people in incredible shape, most people would be turned off by all the running if they're winded at the half.

I think you need to find a better ratio of players and equipment (one that allows easier ball control instead of chasing around a loose ball) to field size.

Aside from that, it sounds like an interesting game.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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A team of seven or eight running on a field with the dimensions of a soccer field is a lot of ground to cover. I know you want kids to get exercise, but wouldn't they get worn out quickly running that much?

Especially since you're using a ball that's at minimum the size of a volleyball, you're asking a lot of the players to be able to throw that one a considerable distance. I know you have kicking allowed, but with kids, I see them spending more time chasing after a loose ball than moving it forward with any sense of control.

Take a look at people playing pick-up games of football or soccer...most use an area that's only about at long as the width of the field. Unless you have people in incredible shape, most people would be turned off by all the running if they're winded at the half.

I think you need to find a better ratio of players and equipment (one that allows easier ball control instead of chasing around a loose ball) to field size.

Aside from that, it sounds like an interesting game.

Sorry if I confused you, but the current set up I have, you on field with dimensions similar to lacrosse (with a soccer or similar ball) and kids definitely would play on a smaller field. Yeah, the fatigue factor is an issue I'm looking at - The number of players is definitely not set in stone and I've considered upping the number of position players to compensate for the size of the field. But yeah there's gonna be a lot of running involved.

While this is a good way to exercise, it's not necessarily based for kids to play - I'd have to tweak the rules a bit. This sport is probably more geared towards college and high school level at this point.

Anyway, I'll open it up to the forum here and see what y'all think. Should I have a bigger field with dimensions similar to soccer and add more position players? Or should I adjust the rules to allow for/require more set plays?




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Alright, I'm thinking about expanding on the number of position players allowed on the field at one time. I'm thinking 11-12 per side. If I do, do you recommend I expand the field size from lacrosse size to soccer/association football size?

Second, the sports is called DaeBall - at least for the screenplay I'm writing. In TV show the sport is played by humanoid aliens, and it is the most popular sport on the planet. I've come up with the conferences and Team Name concepts:

CALUCIAN Conference:

PD Stealth

PD stands for "Prevana'Dei" as that's the full name of the city. Still thinking of what colors to use let alone logo. My first thought is Ninja and black red and silver, but that's only cause I have the former SJ Stealth on the brain.

Fort Garrick Armor

Black and Silver maybe? Logo is still fuzzy.

Hal’Logan Lions

Purple and Gold or Royal/Navy Blue and Gold seems like good choices. Still running ideas for logos.

Veletoric Vartans

Vartan is basically a gorilla-like creature with fangs and a Viking mentality.

Wilkmorrow Wilderbeasts

No, not misspelled. WilderBeast could be any type wild alien type beast. Though I picture a animal-esque creature with fur - maybe a large Bigfoot-type creature.


Shorgana Spirits

Still not conviced this should be the name of the team. Need to work more on the town/city first I guess. Suggestions on logo, colors, etc. welcome.

Denon'Kai Dreckons

A Dreckon is the Calucian word for Dragon. But the team also goes by "Drakes"

Steel Bay Sharks

I picture a Silver Shark. Other colors, Black, and sky Blue and maybe a little erd.

Trembek Titans

I'm thinking of maybe a robot-ish type creature - the reason? Well originally Titans stood for Titaniums, but not sure that sounded as "fierce" as Titans. Now I'm a picture a silver Robot with orange Eyes hold a sword that looking like it's coming at you.

Kel’Vorna Vanguard

Vanguard in the battle sense. Still blanking on the logo/colors for this team.

There's the teams. With a lot of these I still am thinking of colors and potential logo idea, colors and suggestions are welcome. Once I get a couple of drafts together, I put them up. But if anyone else is bored or has ideas and wants to create something for a team or two - by all means go for it.




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Well, those are creative names for sure. It'll certainly be a unique concept, and as far as FieldBall or DaeBall, as I'm assuming it's now called; I would definitely say that 11 humans/non-humans per side with a soccer-sized field would be much more appropriate than what was previously mentioned.

As for the designs, I would suggest the following...

Prevana'Dei - Crimson, Black, and Silver, yes.

Fort Garrick - Black and Silver, yes.

Hal'Logan - Navy Blue, Metallic Gold, Silver.

Veletoric - Purple, Metallic Gold, Black.

Wilkmorrow - Maroon, Silver, Black.

Denon - Wine, Metallic Gold, Black.

Steel Bay - Teal, Light Blue, Silver.

Trembek - Burnt Orange, Silver, Black.

Kel'Vorna - Forest Green, Metallic Gold, Black.

Oh, and the final colors, like Black and Silver, that's trim for the uniforms, not primary colors like the first two listed.

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Well, those are creative names for sure. It'll certainly be a unique concept, and as far as FieldBall or DaeBall, as I'm assuming it's now called; I would definitely say that 11 humans/non-humans per side with a soccer-sized field would be much more appropriate than what was previously mentioned.

As for the designs, I would suggest the following...

Prevana'Dei - Crimson, Black, and Silver, yes.

Fort Garrick - Black and Silver, yes.

Hal'Logan - Navy Blue, Metallic Gold, Silver.

Veletoric - Purple, Metallic Gold, Black.

Wilkmorrow - Maroon, Silver, Black.

Denon - Wine, Metallic Gold, Black.

Steel Bay - Teal, Light Blue, Silver.

Trembek - Burnt Orange, Silver, Black.

Kel'Vorna - Forest Green, Metallic Gold, Black.

Oh, and the final colors, like Black and Silver, that's trim for the uniforms, not primary colors like the first two listed.

Thanks Drakonius. Those are some good color suggestions. I think I'll start getting the teams and alien races together, then work on some logo drafts. I'll play around with some of the color scheme suggestions and see how they look. Now to attempt to draw a large Titan-like robot.. :wacko:

I'll post a couple designs in a day or two - hopefully :)

And yes, I'm probably going to go with the soccer sized field and 11-12 position players per side. I'm also thinking of making the goal opening wider and taller. I've listed it at 6 feet wide and 5 feet tall right now but I think maybe 8 feet wide and 6-8 feet tall might make it more interesting. I just don't want it too big.



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Okay, after some thinking last night and today, I've determined that I'm going to keep it at 8 position players and 1 Goalkeeper per side. But I did decide to adjust the field to the width and length of a American Football field. This seems more of what I was wanting when I thought up the sport. 16 position players on the field and then add in 2 Goalkeepers makes the overall total 18. That's a lot of people on the field for this sport and it hopefully will work.

Anyway, I've decided a volleyball is probably the best ball to use. My concern is the grip and the kicking of the volleyball, but then again Gaelic football uses a ball similar to a volleyball.

Here's a concept for the league logo. Early draft, but at least it's something.


Now here's the updated American Football sized Daeball field.


EDIT: Also the word Dae I've determined shall be the Calucian word for "Run" so the sport shall be called "RunBall" or for sake of being different lets say RunnBall.

I think the name fits as there's gonna be a lot of running. :)



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I'd personally choose SpeedBall over RunBall, but that's just me. As for the logo, and this might need to be moved to the concepts section, as you'll probably get more feedback there, I would redesign the volleyball to look more SpeedBall-ish. If you're creating a fictional league, you want to make it look unique in some way. Have someone in an action pose (i.e. MLB or the NBA) within the ball, with the seams of the ball still slightly visible, and then choose a league font for your logo. The NFL has its own customized serified font, my league uses Monotype Corsiva. Figure out a font that represents your league well.

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I'd personally choose SpeedBall over RunBall, but that's just me. As for the logo, and this might need to be moved to the concepts section, as you'll probably get more feedback there, I would redesign the volleyball to look more SpeedBall-ish. If you're creating a fictional league, you want to make it look unique in some way. Have someone in an action pose (i.e. MLB or the NBA) within the ball, with the seams of the ball still slightly visible, and then choose a league font for your logo. The NFL has its own customized serified font, my league uses Monotype Corsiva. Figure out a font that represents your league well.

SpeedBall would be good except I think it's already used (per a game in paintball, not to mention it's drug term. It's DaeBall for my story, but the "english" translation in the story would transfer to "Run". So I settled on "RunnBall" to be different, I guess. lol.

Yeah the volleyball and text logo(s) is just a place holder to get some graphic up, I'll definitely have a more "RunnBall" type logo. Also , once I get some uniforms and stuff worked out, I'll post a separate thread in the Concepts section.

You might have noticed I changed the Dreckons city name as I felt Denon/Dennon reminded me too much of Dannon yogurt, so it's now Denon'Kai. I have a early draft of the team text/script but no logo. Drawing a Dragon, especially the type of Dragon creature I have in mind is much more difficult than I realized. That and the fact is I'm not very good at drawing, I'm good at texts and altering logos. lol.

Thanks for the suggestions, it helps to ssee what ideas others have and how they see things, because I do get tunnel vision sometimes. :)



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Big Update: See OP.

Also, here's a rough draft of the text for the Denon'Kai Drekons. Was thinking Dragon head of some sort for the logo, but not sure. Also for the RunnBall logo, I'm not feeling the font, but not sure what font would work better.




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