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piratesfan16's MLB Series


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Thanks for the comments dsaline97 and camly. As always, I'll take your comments into consideration for my next update.

Before I post my Indians concept, I'd like to bump this up with a new Penguins concept. This has been posted before in a different thread, but since the thread was inactive, I'm sure many didn't get to see it. Here it is just in case.






I included two options for each jersey: One with hem stripes and one without them. I feel that the ones without the hem stripes are better because they help the asymmetrical design of the rest of the uniforms (streak lines on one side, color on the other). Also, the hem stripes just make the whole uniform a little more complex than it needs to be.




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The White Sox concept is sheer beauty. The only complaints I have are that the circle/hand on the batter logo is grey (it sticks out too much for an minor part of the design) and the pinstriped/checkered logo (as dsaline said, the two aspects clash). Other than that, this set is fantastic. Those primaries are simple gorgeous. 9/10.

The Cleveland logos look very good as well. navy/copper is a gret colour scheme for the team.

For the Penguins, the jerseys without the hem stripes work best for the exact reasons you mentioned: they keep the asymmetry and are less cluttered.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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