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Help with Atlanta NASL Concept


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'Allo, all!

So the crest that Atlanta's NASL team (the Silverbacks) use really bugs me: http://newnasl.50web...silverbacks.gif

I think it's juvinile, unimaginative, and looks unprofessional. I've been wanting to try making a more traditional crest for a while now, and I've finally got the time to do it.

I've always thought that a logo or crest should be as much about the city it respresents as it is about the team nickname. It's for this reason that I'm asking for help.

The problem: I don't know anything about Atlanta. What kind of cool/unique/iconic aspects of Atlanta or Georgia would look badass as an image on a crest representing the city's soccer team?

Any suggestions would be helpful, and would likely be incorporated because I'm starting from scratch. What would make you think "Atlanta" when looking at a crest?

Note: I can't incorporate anything that's copyrighted (coca-cola, atlanta braves).


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Actually, there is a tie to the city:


Willie B was THE MAN to see when you went to Zoo Atlanta. Even people who had never been to the zoo knew who he was around here.

The team name certainly has an Atlanta connection, but I'd argue that the logo still doesn't. Any team named "Silverbacks" could use that logo, there's nothing "Atlanta" about it.

Thanks for the reply though, anyone else?

I've got a couple ideas:

1) It seems the old Atlanta NASL franchise was called the "Chiefs" and the logo was of a native american with a big headdress. So I'm thinking of incorporating feathers into the concept.

2) Atlanta is known for it's tree canopy (according to Wikipedia), with lots of old oak trees. How about oak leaves somewhere?

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Here's draft 1.0:


Some notes:

1) This is the most un-traditionally shaped crest I've ever made. It was not by choice, but was necessary due to the shape of the silverback gorilla in the middle. It was surprisingly difficult to work around.

2) Speaking of the gorilla, I've replaced the cartoony-looking monster/posessed one from the current logo with a more "dignified" silhouette. Silver highlights are put in to illustrate some of the gorilla's features, similar to the current logo.

3) You may be wondering "how do feathers and gorillas go together?". The reason is that Atlanta's old soccer team from the original NASL days was called the Atlanta Chiefs (http://en.wikipedia..../Atlanta_Chiefs), which featured a native american chief wearing a large red headdress. The feathers are meant as a tribute to Atlanta's soccer past.

4) The oak leaves are a reference to Atlanta being a "city in a forest", according to Wikipedia due to its extensive tree canopy, which includes large old oak trees. I know, it may be reaching for an iconic image for the city, but if you have a better suggestion, I'm wide open.

5) My first time putting a date of establishment on a soccer crest. I needed all the help I could get trying to make that gorilla symmetric, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Any suggestions for draft 2.0?

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Love the new gorilla, but I think you have a bit too much going on. I would lose the feathers and oak leaves?or how about an oak leaf-shaped crest?

As I said, I really like the gorilla, but I would think about making the edges of the silver highlights a little more organic rather than the uninterrupted curves you currently have.

Great start!


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  • 1 month later...


The more I thought about it, I couldn't get over the untraditional design.

Went back to the drawing board, and this is what I came up with:


It's got a few things going for it:

1) More traditional crest

2) Lack of abstract shapes/curves etc

3) Still incorporates most of the things I wanted to put in there

Is it an improvement? Any suggestions where to go from here?

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Not bad, certainly better then their current logo. I like the oak leaf that's a nice touch. I would lose the "Est 1995" and also develop a more stylized ball at the bottom. That's one of the the problems I have with most minor league soccer logos, the generic, clip art buckyball that most feature.

I had to have the gorilla reference explained to me by ATL fans, and I do get the name now, and it's better than "Ruckus", their original name. But honestly I'd love to see them adopt the old Chiefs name and modernize that logo. One of the better ones from the original NASL.

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They'll never go with Chiefs again. I don't think you can get away with naming a new team Chiefs in this day and age. Plus the Kaiser Chiefs are more famous for using/stealing it. I'm wondering if you took out the Silverbacks name. I think we all know what type of animal that is. SARAH. SARAH. We've all seen the movie. Also, the Silverback still needs a lot of work. Not sure about the feather tie in. I know you're trying to do a FC Dallas/Burn type thing, but it's not the same team at all.

I think this last one is close. Just needs to be cleaned up and finalized.

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  • 5 months later...


A few tweaks from the last one I posted. This is the final product, don't think i'll be making any changes to it.


The jersey is my attempt to replicate the one that recently won the team's "design our jersey" contest. The "Coke Zero" sponsor was my idea, and I think it looks pretty good.

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  • 6 months later...


Real-world news update bump:

As some of you may be aware, the team has started a campaign to determine whether they want to keep "Silverbacks" or adopt the old, short-lived NASL team name "Chiefs". Other posters have said, apparently, keeping "Silverbacks" is winning in the polls.

Recently heard first-hand that, if "Silverbacks" wins, there will be a logo redesign contest to follow.

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You could replace the soccer ball (I think they're cliche and sort of cheesy) with the top of the feather. Think the old Braves jerseys:


Also, if you want to include the year, a simple "95" should suffice.

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