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Saskatchewan Plowboys


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Exerpt from the Regina Leader-Post...

After the Prairie Thunder name and package was leaked out to the media and published owner Greg McCulloch decided that a change was needed. "After looking at the published images and talking to some members of my family and close friends I decided that the "Thunder" wasn't really where I wanted to go with this franchise."

He then called in world reknowned design firms: Atomic Duck and seventeen11 design solutions. "Atomic Duck are quite simply great at what they do. I couldnt ask for a better Identity company, and seventeen11 specializes in fresh yet practical jersey design, it was a treat when they agreed to team up."

That's when the "Saskatchewan Plowboys" were born. "To be completely honest I wasn't completely sold on the name till they showed me the rough drafts. They blew me away and I gave them the go ahead."

The colours are known as Sask Sky Blue, Moosomin Midnight, and Prairie Lily"


I woudl personally like to thank Rozilla for the logo... the rest is my design... and for the record there will be no blue stripe on the side of the jersey because it makes it look too busy... despite STL's objections...lol

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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those are very nice... you should enter those into 73's logo challenge, if you get some time. these would definately garner a good number of votes.

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well the logo isnt mine... its Rozillas he's letting me use it as a favour i suppose... i just hope he doesnt come back and ask me to whack somebody...lol... so i probably shouldnt enter "us" into a contest unless he gave me the go ahead

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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i got bored... lol... its technically not finished i accidentally closed it but this was the last thing i saved before i lost it...


GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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wow it must be good if BIB kept his comments down to one sentence...lol just bugging you BIB... you arent known for being brief... lol

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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those are very nice... you should enter those into 73's logo challenge, if you get some time. these would definately garner a good number of votes.

Thanks for advertising :D



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How do these look in "real life"...

Jersey- No

Helmet- No

Pants- Yes

huh?... just guessing you no like Fuse...lol :D

It's good better then what I could do but what I was saying, the jersey and helmet don't look real to me but the pants do. Still a good effort though!




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