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Prediction: MLS will fold within 2 years

Notch Novelty

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That's from 1996-2001 though. That's 3 years ago!

And the updated page....

Since this was first published, MLS has seen attendance growth due to a number of factors, which we'll get more into in the "Conclusions" section. Whatever the reasons, the league seems to be in much better shape at least according to this barometer of health.
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so you're saying andrew (there, ya happy now , hoser?) is *gasp* wrong!?!?!?!?!?!?! how can that be? (/SARCASM)



The Danimal said:
Texas is the state that gave us George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. 'Nuff said.
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Get over it you pretentious, arrogant prick. You post your full name every other day on this board, but if someone else does it, God forbid...

Get over yourself, .......

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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Get over it you pretentious, arrogant prick. You post your full name every other day on this board, but if someone else does it, God forbid...

Get over yourself,  .......

Isn't there a stadium in San Diego named after you? :D

I saw, I came, I left.

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Get over it you pretentious, arrogant prick. You post your full name every other day on this board, but if someone else does it, God forbid...

Get over yourself, .......

Isn't there a stadium in San Diego named after you? :D

quad, dont insult petco park and san deigo like that :P



The Danimal said:
Texas is the state that gave us George W. Bush and Sarah Palin. 'Nuff said.
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Did they ask for me or others not to use their name? No, please edit JQK and Nick's posts. Thank you.

Will all the teams in the MLS build stadiums? No, the ones that will and have done so could drop down to the A-League

That's the whole point to building the stadia specific to soccer! They can invest in them knowing they will be in the top leauge. Why else would they go through so much effort unless they knew MLS would survive long term?

And do you know that a billionaire controls MLS and he will go through any building pains as he as done already?

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It's merely a prediction. That's all. Seriously half the leagues isn't planning a stadium or if they are won't get it done.

Seriously, if you want to make fun of me because you all have self-esteem issues dating back to high school than unblock me and talk to me there don't drag it to the boards.

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