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NFL "Trek" Style Wallpapers Series 1 - Super Bowl Champions


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Hey - I love Star Trek, the NFL, and Wallpapers, so I thought - why not combine all 3 and see what I can come up with?

OK - The premise of these concepts was that I started on the base of a Star Trek: The Next Generation Uniform with its quirky parabola design on the uniform front. Based on that, the top section simulates the collar area where the "pips" or rank insignia is normally displayed. The middle section is normally the red/blue/gold of the Trek uniform. In its place, I have substituted NFL team colors (optimized from www.ssur.org, thanks to our good friend Colorwerx).

And, since every "jersey" needs a logo, I'm going with the NFL Helmet right side logo (so the Steelers logo shows up). Size is 1600x900.


1. I created the wallpapers in .PNG format, but the original website I uploaded them to originally didn't like that and converted them to .JPG files. So, I had to go in a different direction and find a different host site. I found one, but it is shrinking the images. However, if you follow the links, eventually, you can get to the 1600x900 wallpapers.

2. The font used is based on the Star Trek original series font from the 60's

3. Also, instead of posting all of them at once, I'd like some feedback on whether or not it looks better with or without the Lombardi Trophy as part of the design. Maybe I need to move the trophy to the right?

4. Yeah, I know I'm basically just "combining" already existing elements from various places, but hey, no one else has done this particular design right?

5. Purposely used the optimized colors, and tried to keep it from being too cluttered.

First attempt at this kind of project, so some C&C is warranted....

The first two images will only be the Baltimore Raven in Black with and without the Lombardi Trophy. I don't want to start posting the rest until I get some feedback on whether or not to include the trophy.

Thanks in advance.

 spacer.png  I just love penguins......always dressed for the occasion. spacer.png

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They just kinda seem... plain. And the "NFL Equipment" logo makes them look a little dated seeing as how Nike has taken over.

I'm not saying the execution isn't good, but they're just kinda dull as-is, even with the Super Bowl trophy.

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I read thru your description before viewing the wallpaper, and I gotta tell ya, based on how you described it, I think you missed the boat. These seem very cluttered. Also, it doesn't really have a Star Trek vibe to be honest. Couple ideas:

  1. Get rid of the stuff at the bottom of the graphic (equip logo and branding). If you want to keep the branding scale it way down.
  2. Scale all the text down.
  3. Instead of putting the full helmet on the left, why not just do the team logo and on the right, where the insignia would normally be on the uniform?
  4. I realize that the next gen uni's are black along with the inset color, but I think for this concept it would make more sense to do team color here, example would be Denver being orange inset but navy on the borders.
  5. You're using a next gen uni, why not use the next gen font? If you want to stick to TOS font I would do as lancealot said and add texture and get rid of the black border.
  6. I would use all the team colors on the "pips."

I think these changes would make a huge difference.

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Thanks for the C&C....seems my thought process was going in one direction but might be a little off-base in terms of the execution. It is a bit of a mix of the 2 Trek eras & perhaps that is the downfall...

I kinda see the thought behind a texture overlay, but I am a little concerned that with so many different NFL "official" colors that pulling it off may be a little more difficult than I bargained for. Maybe after a re-think I can hit upon a workable pattern.....

lancelot, I see your point about a photorealistic helmet. For this, I'm guessing you are thinking 3/4 angle or something like that. For some reason, I've always been drawn to the 2D helmet graphics. For some reason, always liked those more....something nostalgic in me I guess.

Let me re-think the idea and see where it goes....

 spacer.png  I just love penguins......always dressed for the occasion. spacer.png

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