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NZIHL All Star game jerseys


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Down in New Zealand, they are winding down there hockey season. There are a couple weeks left and this is the tightest competition they've ever seen. They still are not sure who will be playing in the league finals. Anyways, once the season is over, they have their annual all star game called "Skate of Origin". It's like the old North American vs. The World all star format where players play for they team they are from. In the Skate or Origin you have the South Island vs. the North Island (as NZ is made up of two main islands). This year the game will take place in the Auckland suburb of Botany.

They've just released their jerseys and I think the idea behind the logos is an interesting one:


The North Island team will wear the sting ray jersey as it has to do with the Maori legend on how the North Island was formed. (Legend here: http://www.newzealand.com/int/feature/the-legend-of-new-zealand/ )

The South Island team will wear the jersey with the eagle which is for the extinct giant Haast's eagle which used to call the South Island skies home before it became extinct.

Feel how you will about the jerseys but I think the idea behind the logo choice is interesting... especially for the North Island team.

More on the jerseys here:

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