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Los Angeles Lakers Redo..?


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I was fooling around in GIMP when I saw a really old LA Lakers logo on the site.

First, I removed all the white and seperated the basketball from the text.

Then, I opened the circle tool up and filled in all the transparencies.

I flipped it around with the flip tool, placed it under the text and shaded everything in classic colors.

I don't know if this would be another count of plagarism or if it is just a simple edit, but I tried my best and I made this.





It is a PNG, so it retains transparency. C & C is accepted. Thank you!

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I really think the Lakers just need a new primary logo entirely. And I say that as a Lakers fan. I feel that if the franchise wasn't as storied as they were, it probably would have been updated/replaced a long time ago.

That said, your concept is nice, though it looks a lot like the current primary. Although that's not a bad thing.

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