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North American Handball Association


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Team Handball is a team sport in which two teams of seven players each pass a ball to throw it into the goal of the other team. A standard match consists of two periods of 30 minutes, and the team that scores more goals wins. Each side has 6 outfield players and 1 goalie. The sport, from what I have seen, looks like a mix of Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, and basketball. Players with the ball can take up to 3 steps with the ball before having to dribble. Defense is played similar to basketball; however refs seem to allow a little more contact. The sport is very common in Europe, the Middle East, and parts of South America. The field size is on a 131 by 66 ft indoor court. The sport is not common in the United States; however the US does have a Handball federation. Offense is heavily favored in Handball, with scores ranging in the high 20s to low 40s. Handball kits resemble Soccer Kits.

In 2015, sports businessmen were seeking a way of increasing revenue by exposing sports fans to a new sport. With the MLB losing favor with the young generation, the NFL becoming increasingly soft with rule changes, and the NBA becoming a prima-Dona league, businessmen saw an opening for a new sport to emerge in the North American market. Sports like Ultimate Frisbee and Lacrosse were discussed; however, Handball was an internationally popular sport that fit the bill for American sports fans-- high scoring, and exciting. By 2017, handball was being exposed to many southern universities and high schools in hopes to attract a young fan base to the sport of handball. European Handballers would come overseas to promote the sport. Plans for a professional league were coming together. The USA Handball Federation located in Tucson Arizona was heavily invested in having a succesful league take off. By 2018, the framework for a North American Handball League was on the ropes. Target markets were decided, and 8 owners came together to start the North American Handball League with plans to expand the league in a logical and thoughtful manner. The NAHA (North American Handball Association) was completely formed on August 1st of 2018, with the league expected to start in Late Summer of 2019. A FOX Sports TV Contract was signed.

This is my first concept thread. I made Crests and Kits with Paint.Net, Inkscape, and Smart Designer 2. Please, be easy on me.

I am by no means an artist or very good at this. As a frequent poster on these forums, I felt the need to come up with something. I am mostly doing this thread for the storyline versus the actual concepts. :lol:

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Looking forward to this!

Thank you. With my limited skills and lack of access to a proper Handball template, I am using what many would assume is a soccer template. From what I have seen online, soccer and handball kits are very similar. Hopefully this doesn't cause any confusion or problems.

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I have completed 2 of the 8 teams and have completed 3 of the 8 logos for the league. However, I am having a hard time coming up with an identity for the Tucson team I am creating. Originally I thought Conquistadors, but A. It doesn't sound very good and B. I am having a hard time establishing a solid idea for a logo. Any ideas?

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I would change this logo so that the American flag isn't so predominant in the North American Handball Association.

There is another country (or two depending on who you ask) in North America even though they aren't as awesome as 'Murica. :D

2nn48xofg0hms8k326cqdmuis.gifUnited States (2016 - Pres)7204.gif144.gif

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I'm really looking forward to this. For my own amusement I play a "re-created" handball league - the North American Handball League. My league has 24 teams, five of them in Canada. The league just wrapped up it's regular season and the play-offs begin next week. If you are looking for inspiration go to the European Handball Federation's Champions League site, or one of the top European league sites - Germany, Spain, Denmark and France are recognized as the best leagues. Perhaps you already know this.

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I would change this logo so that the American flag isn't so predominant in the North American Handball Association.

There is another country (or two depending on who you ask) in North America even though they aren't as awesome as 'Murica. :D

Funny you said this, as I actually had originally wrote a backstory behind this but decided to leave it out due to excessive length. What I had originally made was a logo that included the Canadian Flag, Mexican Flag, and American flag, however decided to nix the idea for this one. The 8 concepts I have created so far are all located in the United States. Thus, the league is actually in the United States. Originally, I wrote a storyline on how the original goal was to target all of North America, but due to expenses, only the Southern United States was targeted. If all goes well and I decide to do expansion, I will create a new league logo that includes that nation (most likely Canada). However, since the only teams included so far in the thread are American teams, I thought this was fine. Yes, it would have made more sense to call the league something different, however, the overall goal is to include teams in Canada and Mexico. However, for the original 8, the league is primarily set in the United States.

I'm really looking forward to this. For my own amusement I play a "re-created" handball league - the North American Handball League. My league has 24 teams, five of them in Canada. The league just wrapped up it's regular season and the play-offs begin next week. If you are looking for inspiration go to the European Handball Federation's Champions League site, or one of the top European league sites - Germany, Spain, Denmark and France are recognized as the best leagues. Perhaps you already know this.

Thanks for this. I'll take a look. I tried studying as much as I could on actual handball. It's an interesting sport indeed, surprised the sport is completely irrelevant here in the states.

Here are my first two concepts. I understand the Lone-Star logo isn't very great. However, I tried to go with a simplistic approach. If I would've went any more complicated, it would've looked even worse. :lol:

-Texas Lone Stars

USA Handballs original target audience was amongst the young adult and teenage population, and in Austin, it sure did. The University of Texas was one of the first schools to get heavily invested into Handball, with undergraduates and graduates playing pick-up games in gyms and courts. In fact, the University of Texas was the first college to have an intramural handball league of its own. While the players werent the best, the sport was popular. The love for handball in Austin grew outside of the university. When talks of a professional league forming in the US, John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market decided to hop on what he believed to be the Future of American Athletes. Mackey, a well known political vocalist, chose to take a very patriotic approach to the team. The team name, Lone-Stars, comes from the nickname Lone Star State. The logo is a lone star with the blue and white American stars within. The colors represent both the Texas Flag and American Flag. Mackey has expectations to sign 2-3 overseas players and develop an academy team at the University of Texas.


-Las Vegas Venom

Las Vegas Nevada is a major sports market that lacks a professional team. With that in mind, the market was obviously ripe for an up incoming sport like handball. With that approach, USA handball attacked the Vegas market right away. UNLVs student population quickly started to enjoy handball. Handball trial games were played regulary, with European international teams like Croatia and Czech Republic exposing the highest quality level of play to the fans. With the success of New York Redbulls corporate branding of the MetroStars, Venom Energy Drink decided to take a similar approach. Venom Energy felt the Las Vegas market was perfect for their style of marketing. The team name, Las Vegas Venom, has a rough and exciting approach. The logo comes from the corporate logo. The colors, fitting for a Vegas team, are black, fluorescent red and fluorescent yellow. Venom Energy announced expectations to sign high quality European players and build from there.


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I do like the sound of this.

Thank you. I am kinda limited with artistic talent but I am trying to make up for it in storyline and realism. I've used puma for the first two concepts but I plan on using other manufacturers as well. The away uniform for Venom was inspired slightly by the California Wave kit, as I decided not to use an actual crest on the kit.

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Dang it, I got get moving on my concept pieces. I've been (lazily) working over the course of a year on a handball league that I'm calling Major League Handball (MLH). Maybe your thread will put a fire under my ass to finish it up.

Nice start so far with your league. Right now I think my only criticism is with the Lonestar. I guess I don't like seeing a lot of stars within another star when the team name is LONEstar. Just something that bothers me.

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Dang it, I got get moving on my concept pieces. I've been (lazily) working over the course of a year on a handball league that I'm calling Major League Handball (MLH). Maybe your thread will put a fire under my ass to finish it up.

Nice start so far with your league. Right now I think my only criticism is with the Lonestar. I guess I don't like seeing a lot of stars within another star when the team name is LONEstar. Just something that bothers me.

I guess you could say having the team name be lonestars (plural) in itself is weird... :lol: I guess it'll just have to be one of those funny quirks with the team. Maybe a NAHA joke.

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-Sacramento Sparks

Sacramento was a big California city without a major sports team besides the Kings. With that in mind, Sacramento was definitely a market viewed as a potential hit for Handball. Handball was a big hit with highschoolers, and within a year of being introduced, several counties had created handball leagues. The sport was popular amongst the wealthy suburban kids, who favored this over sports like soccer and lacrosse. Sacramento was ripe for another professional team. Kings owner Vicek Randavie saw the potential for handball in the States, as handball was played often at the youth level in India. Randavie decided to renovate Sleep Train Arena to allow for a Handball alignment. his overall goal was to reflect the city of Sacramento the best he could, so he used a fan-vote of the team name, logo, and colors. The Sparks won the 5 team poll at 42%. Sleep Train Mattressess signed a deal with the Sparks for sponsorship, and the Sacramento Sparks were formed!


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