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NaturalScott29's NFL Refresh (Giants Updated, Redskins Added)


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Long time listener, first time caller. Love all the work here thought I'd throw my ring into the hat. Plan on doing the entire NFL but as of now I have the entire NFC East and AFC South. I won't be doing any major logo changes because I'm still learning as I go. I use MS Paint and Inskape and hopefully will just use Inskape once I get comfortable enough with the tools. C & C is definitely welcome. So here we go

Starting with my Philadelphia Eagles

Recolored the logo and wordmark, couldn't decide on which helmet to use so I went with both



This pair is better than the other ones you posted. I like the different wing design, thumbs up :grin:


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Don't quit, keep going. Always try to finish a series. Only quit if you feel it's not worth it. For a first series this is great, you should see my first series. That was horrible.

I had the complete opposite experience of you. My first series was the DC Superhero football league and I've never been able to top it. It even was successful not only here, but made it to the front page of reddit as well.

My current Nike one isn't doing too bad, but it's nowhere near as successful as my first series.

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That helmet stripe doesn't work for the giants, I know you are trying to have a universal striping pattern like the gators, but it doesn't work here, I'd say go with the single red stripe they have currently. And for the redskins on the helmet go with the spear or the stripe, not both, you can barely tell there is a spear there right now.

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I like the Giants set. The Redskins set is nice, but it's pretty similar to what we've seen around the internet for a while though. As for the helmet stripe, I think you should pick between the red/yellow striping and the spear. One will work, both never will.

"I believe in Auburn and love it!"



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So here's just an updated home, hopefully I hit everyone's suggestions. Darkened the green, went back to the original wing (or close to it, made it myself), got rid of the white back panel..let me know what ya think. Thanks guys


This is my ideal color scheme for the Eagles. Very Tecmo Super Bowl.

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