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Colorado Rockies Concept


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Hey guys, so this is my first post on here and I want to start off by saying I have really enjoyed checking some of your designs out. You all seem to be very educated about this stuff and that is why I have signed up to share my ideas with you all and to get feedback, both positive and negative. I want to introduce myself by saying I am an aspiring graphic designer that has always had a major interest in sports. I am currently chasing my Associates Degree in Visual Communication & Design and working to master programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop. When I came across this website, it taught me how to incorporate my degree with sports other than just creating logos; and that was something I didn't even think about before.

My first post I want to share is my Colorado Rockies logo. I wanted to obviously build my design with a mountain theme in

mind. So the first thing I did was draw various types of mountain tops that could be used in the final logo. At first, I really liked the middle design the most and tried to create the team name underneath with a bulge in the center. Something just didn't right, however, so I played around with the other two a little bit more. I then came up with the first step of the logo I have now.


Please keep in mind that this is not a finished logo. I do know that it looks very amateurish and I am looking for some feedback before I continue.


I would like to hear what all of you think so far and what I could improve upon and I will continue to showcase my design process as I progress. Thanks for reading!


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I like this, but it still feels incomplete. It doesn't really feel like a mountain anymore, sort of looks like a sideways lightning bolt. I'd suggest either extending it down to the bottom of the logo, or adding a whole mountain bit and making the current bit look like the snowy peaks.

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I like this, but it still feels incomplete. It doesn't really feel like a mountain anymore, sort of looks like a sideways lightning bolt. I'd suggest either extending it down to the bottom of the logo, or adding a whole mountain bit and making the current bit look like the snowy peaks.


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I have added an updated the version of the logo to the first post in this thread for easy access.

In the future you should post the update in a new post so we don't have to back track.

Anyways, it's a good start. I would agree that the mountain should be symmetrical. Except for the shading and snow. I also agree that the font you chose is too rounded for this Rockies concept.

I would also think about putting the mountain in a roundel or some other kind of shape and try and connect the mountain and script into the same logo. Most baseball logos do this.

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It feels very empty and incomplete to me, although I realize you said it is a rough draft. If you do go further with this same idea, try using thicker/bolder lines, that would better represent the Rocky Mountains. The font and the style of the mountains reminds me a lot of the Marlin's art deco style, which doesn't really fit here. The other concern I have is that it's just, too simple. A decent amount of businesses in Colorado use some form of a "mountain" design in their logo, similar to what you have here. Obviously this isn't real, but if it were, you'd probably be looking at a lot of copyright issues (from the Rockies). Either that or it'd just be a Dallas Cowboys situation, where you can't truly trademark a star, or in this case, mountains.


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