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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. Well, here's one for those of you on the board who have been on this saga since way back when. Former Almost Coyotes Owner Matthew Hulsizer was on the stand in federal court today. He was testifying as the purchaser of a North Side mansion that had been previously owned by R. Kelly. Hulsizer testified that he had to remove what we shall call a "Matt Lauer button" from one of the bedrooms, which allowed remote locking and unlocking of the door. He also said that in at least one bedroom, what appeared to be a smoke detector was actually a concealed video camera. Anyhoo, carry on with your day.
  2. Smart move by the Sharks, making their minor leaguers improve their conditioning by wearing all of those heavy, burdensome stripes during play.
  3. Suggesting the Panthers could play in Ypsilanti? Please read up a little on the WFL Detroit Wheels. Unless you're continuing the USFL's current approach of "in-person attendance doesn't matter,* in which case, why bother leaving Birmingham at all?
  4. If you don't know who @ebod39 is... you've been here a while, man. You should know. Anyway, you can take anything he posts on NHL uniforms as gospel. He knows.
  5. It's okay, the Maulers soiled themselves in the final week to take that title, and their uniforms are no great shakes.
  6. I saw a clip of Argos-Als and was aghast to see Toronto with a navy helmet, navy jersey, plain Columbia blue pants, and plain Columbia blue socks. That one is more offensive than a lot of unitard outfits.
  7. The one that kills me is when the Knights play 1983 White Sox dress-up, wearing a hat with "CLT" on the front and a big, red button up top.
  8. Everything about the look isn't as good as the team's primary package, except for that wonderful little baseball grill, which is perfection and I hope lives on well beyond the City Connect cash grab. If nothing else, it should live on in the signage of the brat stands and tailgate areas around the ballpark. I'm not interested in giving MLB a cent this year, but a shirt with that is testing my resolve.
  9. Found pictures of an actual USFL replica jersey. They are crap. https://www.ebay.com/itm/403705065290?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=yVlKB9wsSSK&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ZZApCq1xStO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  10. I'd put my money on all eight teams playing in Birmingham again next season, assuming there is a next season.
  11. Pittsburgh really earned its 1-6 record yesterday by head coach Kirby Wilson pulling his starting QB down 7 with four minutes left in the 4th quarter for a guy from D2 Slippery Rock the team just signed this past Tuesday, because he didn't like the starter's "body language." The announcers did everything short of outright calling Wilson an idiot for the move.
  12. I'm at a Kane County Cougars game right now, and they're beating the Dockhounds 10-0 in the top of the 4th. Their players are almost entirely not American Association caliber, and the uniforms feature whatever gray pants they could get on the cheap. Some have piping, some don't and some are MLB surplus. I stand by my statement.
  13. Has anyone here ordered a USFL jersey through their store? If so, have you received it yet?
  14. I believe they are playing in two stadiums, both in Birmingham.
  15. So we can look forward to three empty stadium games every week and one 1/3 to 1/2-full stadium for the Stallions game. Keep in mind that tickets are $10 and kids get in free. There is no more merchandise available in the league store than there was the day of the uniform unveilings. Again, I am at a loss to understand why there is big corporate money being thrown at this. For those of you living in the other seven "markets": Do the teams have any sort of local marketing or promotional presence, or is it all just whatever the league and networks put out nationally?
  16. This whole Dockhounds launch has had a strong air of a municipality wondering what it's going to do with an empty ballpark about two years from now.
  17. Do we know any of the specifics in the league's broadcast deals? I know networks are desperate for live sports to drive viewers, but I was stunned to see the debut game will be aired simultaneously on Fox and NBC. Buying airtime for both?
  18. My belief is that they were placeholder names with MLB intending to sell the naming rights to each league like the NBA did to its minor league. But then MLB found out that the market price for branding a regional league that they had turned into damaged goods by stripping out its history and massacring a quarter of the product wasn't what they'd hoped for.
  19. The Rams get credit for at least looking good from the neck up, and realizing basically halfway into their first season with them that the bone duds were lousy. They added the yellow pants and then the fauxback white jersey, which pretty much became their road look, and likely will be cemented as such now that they've won a Super Bowl in it. There is no reason to believe Danny Snyder will be inclined to tweak these atrocities into something marginally better. There is every reason to believe he'll trot out something even worse when he's allowed to five years from now.
  20. USFL owners suing somebody for damages? Oh, this always goes well.
  21. Say goodbye to Mitch Mortaza's Lingerie Legends Football League, and say hello to Mitch Mortaza's X League. Gone are the bikini tops and team names like "Bliss," "Temptation," and "Sin," replaced with crop tops and names like "Blitz," "Black Storm," and "Thunder." Running cover as "ownership" and "chairman" is Mike Ditka, who presumably is receiving a modest check from Mortaza for his actual job duties of Putting His Face On Shirts and Not Saying The N-Word Out Loud. Providing a bit more cover are vague platitudes about "inclusion" and "empowerment", replacing the previous pitch of "come to the game and maybe see a boob fall out." Each of the eight teams will play two regular season games. From that, somehow, four teams make the playoffs for a doubleheader in Kent, Washington. The Chicago team's home game will be in Rockford. I think it's a safe assumption that players will be compensated in "inclusion, empowerment, and opportunity," as opposed to "money and health insurance," just like the last decade of Mitch's sleaze circuit amateur nonprofit.
  22. Wausau Woodchucks unveiled their road jersey - or a replica version of it, at least. Game hats have not been released yet, so this is a tonal fashion hat.
  23. USFL replicas are selling for $80 on their online shop. There's no actual pics of them though, just graphics, and they show some differences from the actual unveiled jerseys. So you may want to hold off until actual product photos start hitting.
  24. First look at a Panthers jersey outside of an edited professional shoot:
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