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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. When I find a good active volcano with reasonable airfare, I plan on sharing the good news with everyone whom I respect and/or care about.
  2. I read Drew Magary's piece today, and it dovetailed with the thoughts below I meant to post last night, but forgot. What Portnoy is doing now is, to me, one of the more dire effects of the idea that "The Internet Never Forgets" that I don't know any of us grasped until people started screenshotting tweets and making the world their public burn books. As I mentioned in another thread, there's thirteen years of me on this board. That's slightly more than a third of my life, highlighted in over 10,000 mainly-pointless blurbs of who the hell knows what. I didn't have my current job then. I was still a year-and-a-half away from meeting the woman I'm now married to with two kids. And I bet I've said a lot of things on this board that present-day me wouldn't support or would recoil at with regret. Does that give anyone who doesn't like what I say in a given instance the right to go dredging and say "Ah HA! You used to think this other way! You have ceded moral high ground for eternity"? I mean, in the current climate, I guess it does, but to me, all that does is lead to a resistance to self-change or self-improvement, for fear of being labeled an eternal hypocrite. It's Who Ya Crappin' meets the Rollerball rules committee. It's an approach that threatens to level a playing field in a destructive manner rather than a constructive one, abandoning the hard, frustrating work of building up in favor of tearing others down and saying "See, now we're even." And on the other side of it, you have Portnoy, proudly unchanging, proclaiming it as virtue. He was a piece of back then, he's a piece of today, and he'll be the man you can count on to be a piece of tomorrow. I find it vile, but I also can't deny that that's what wins nowadays.
  3. In another instance of "We can say anything as long as we say it in French," Mario Tremblay is telling anyone who'll listen that he thinks Alex Galchenyuk has been in drug rehab twice. Move the Habs to Seattle.
  4. I don't like Sarah either, but jeez, dude. At some point it's your problem and not theirs.
  5. ESPN wanted the Pardon My Take duo in a vehicle without the Barstool name. Portnoy wouldn't allow it. ESPN acquiesced. ESPN acts stunned that there was blowback on promoting the Barstool brand, axes the show. In the end, ESPN looks bad to everyone who thinks Barstool is trash for greenlighting the show, and subjects themselves to the numbnuts Clay Travis contingent for canceling it and giving in to the no-good liberal PC SJWs #DBAP. If ESPN keeps picking exactly the wrong way to go about doing things, they'll land the NHL broadcast deal in no time.
  6. Oh, jeez. It looks like a February Tuesday in there. That's stunning.
  7. Lou Lamiorello accidentally explains why the NHL will never have widespread popularity:
  8. Hey, let's see how Gary Bettman's attempts to wield influence over a foreign election are going: Aw, shoot. Well, you'll get 'em next time, little guy!
  9. I guess its main use in the system is to give your 4th goalie regular starts.
  10. When Simmons isn't up his own ass and speaks straightforward from a position of knowledge, he's pretty good. https://www.theringer.com/platform/amp/bill-simmons/2017/10/13/16469520/espn-jemele-hill-suspension-week-6-nfl-picks
  11. Today in Guys, Bill Foley May Have Some Problems, we examine his vision for what will allegedly be tonight's pregame ceremony. Also, there's a Knights blog that earnestly and frequently refers to Foley as "The Creator," so maybe this guy's found his audience.
  12. Forces of nature, I believe they are called.
  13. I read earlier this week from our esteemed leader they're just going to plop the Eagles in the Pacific and make it a 9-team division with some teams playing fewer games than others, because you, that's why.
  14. They'd bump Chicago east to keep the slot open for Seattle.
  15. Speaking of LEDs, the Flames ringed their arena decks with "Bill Smith For Mayor" ads last night, and put up a fair bit of Buy Us Shiny New Things propaganda in the concourses. I hope each and every one of these cretins gets kicked in the dick. For you nostalgia buffs, the Coyotes are offering $1 hot dogs, $1 sodas, and $1 beers for their next Saturday evening home game, because how on earth do you convince anybody to go out on a Saturday night these days?
  16. And the Coyotes just brought Zac Rinaldo back into the league! There's probably a loose Sestito floating around somewhere, too.
  17. Deryk "That's Per Year" Engelland had to shave his beard because Vegas has a team policy banning facial hair, not that they'll have to worry about growing any in April for the next decade or so. I think Bill Foley thinks he bought the actual Army, you guys.
  18. Greg Wyshynski is leaving Yahoo, which means Puck Daddy is going to be a Ryan Lambert blog with occasional wire copy. I'd sooner pivot to video than read that. I'd sooner pivot into a steel post nuts-first, in fact.
  19. Forget the blackout during the Olympics; this is how NBC is punishing the NHL for not allowing its players to go to PyeongChang.
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