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Posts posted by monkeypower

  1. 3 hours ago, the admiral said:

    Yeah, I think she's suing Barstool right now for making fun of her lousy book, which should make the right-thinking love her even more.


    From what I understand, the lawsuit came about after Kirk Minihane had one of his interns read through the entirety of her book live on his show (or maybe it was just a YouTube stream or something), but I have no idea, nor do I care to look into, if the lawsuit is for a defamation thing or a copyright thing.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Stroboy said:

    Stampeders Helmets

    A look at Stamps helmets for this season.


    Don't like the different decals on different sides. I think it'll look fine with the normal aways, but it's going to look out of place with the retros. I don't think they needed to do full retro helmets with the old leather striping pattern, but just the normal helmets would be okay.


    Also, I posted a page or so back about the horse logo the Stampeders use on the helmet and jerseys being different from the primary logo (and being SMU's logo) and then they go and change the horse in this helmet anniversary logo to the helmet/jersey horse. So I guess they intentionally are using the different horse logo and are keeping that consistent? I don't know what's going on there.


    4 hours ago, Stroboy said:

    Stampeders Uniforms


    And a look at their home retro uniforms (complete with ad on chest)



    This looks really good and the general reaction to the dropping of black has been good, so I hope the Stampeders are paying attention. Especially with the Flames going retro and dropping black (besides the alternate), maybe CSEC might be thinking about doing the same for the the Stamps? (But who knows based on CSEC)

    • Like 3
  3. Well this is underwhelming.

    I think using the Blackhawks template is worse now with a new logo. With the previous logo, you at least had the history of why they were playing Blackhawks dress-up but now it just looks like they picked the Blackhawks template out of a catalogue because it happened to match the logo colours. Why not make a clean break from the old brand with new jerseys?


    I still don't like going with metallic gold in the logos instead of flat.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, AFirestormToPurify said:

    Honestly that's a good thing. I don't think the league as a whole has ever looked that good. I'm not saying every team is perfect  and some could use a few tweaks here and there obviously but Anaheim is the only team with a truly awful set of regular home and away jerseys imo. 1 out of 32 isn't that bad


    2/32. Washington.

    • Like 3
  5. I'm a fan of the new Winterhawks logo, but I don't like the metallic gold in the beak. Should have been flat.


    3 hours ago, the admiral said:

    Don't the Tri-Cities Americans on the other side of Washington also use a bird head?


    Yes, Tri-City (non-plural) does. It came in as the primary in 2003 and was relegated to secondary in 2008.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Eastport76 said:

    Speaking of Flames, I don't understand why kept their old primary homes by using as their alternates. 


    2 hours ago, Ridleylash said:

    Because if Popowich's word means anything, the organization likes having the Black C around;

    I wouldn't be shocked if their first third jersey coming out of this rebrand is an Adidasified version of the 2004 red jersey for that reason; it keeps the black C in the rotation.


    Icethetic's Jersey Watch says the Flames aren't going to have an alternate this season and the Black C jerseys are on a 50% off sale right now on the Flames/CSEC teams store.


    The Jersey Watch does say that one is planned for 2022-23 though, so the Black C might still come back.


    2 hours ago, Eastport76 said:

    I'd rather them had a WHA Cowboys-inspired jersey than a outdated piping jersey.


    Replace both the shoulder logos with flaming "C" and give a "Western" font for numbers, swap the white with cream.  

    And you now had a jersey which is a tribute to the Cowboys and the Stampede.


    One issue with wearing a Cowboys jersey is that the Cowboys jersey is just a Blackhawks jersey without the black. The Flames also haven't ever, directly, acknowledged the Cowboys either and the old Stampede Corral itself is rubble now, so tying it in with the closure of the rink is gone.


    I say directly because the Hitmen played three games at the Corral two years ago now and wore Cowboys jerseys in one of the games. (The other two jerseys were the Wranglers and Centennials, old WHL franchises who also played in the Corral)


    • Like 2
  7. I just kind of noticed this now, but the horse the Stampeders use on their helmets and jerseys is different than the horse in their logo (and that's used everywhere else). Dropshadow notwithstanding, but look at the direction of the tail, the face shape and the "spikes" in the mane.





    The one on the helmets and jerseys is SMU's logo.



    I don't know if this has always been the case, but I can't not see it now.


    • Like 2
  8. Not a great pic, but an early look nonetheless.

    I'm a sucker for these kinds of helmets (Rams, Bengals, Vikings, Eagles, Barnstomers) but I don't know if I'm a fan. The decal looks too small and thin to me.


    The Stamps are wearing the normal helmets, so no idea what that helmet Mitchell was wearing is about.

    • Like 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, dont care said:

    Or they just said yes to the first thing adidas gave them.


    Not according to what Andrew just said. 


    1 hour ago, andrewharrington said:

    The reality, though, is that every team saw (at minimum) three distinct options, so while only one made it to the ice, every team has already said no to at least two ideas.


    I still stand by what I said before. The Reverse Retro program is really cool and a, rare, really good idea from the NHL and I have a Getzlaf Reverse Retro in my closet right now that will be my go-to Ducks jersey for the foreseeable future, but the program has a shelf life.


    I would rather it end after one (generally) good and well received go-around instead of cheapening it after another season or two with the reactions being "I guess that's a jersey that team wore in the past" or "That's the Reverse Retro they had last year, but in a different colour" or "That's just pretty much what they're wearing right now all the time already, but in a different colour".


    On 7/9/2021 at 5:41 AM, WSU151 said:

     if your biggest concern is “Well that’d just be an alternate jersey” then I’m ok with that. The program is literally taking old jerseys and changing the colors or vice versa, or sometimes a mix. Thinking that it has to break some “new ground” every time in the alternate jersey space is just wishful thinking.


    That is a concern of mine, if you can even call it a concern. These aren't just supposed to be alternate jerseys, these are "Reverse Retros" and I think they should occupy different spaces and themes.


    If it gets to the point where the jerseys aren't "Reversed" (even though that's an already loose term) nor "Retro", the program has run its course.

    • Like 2
  10. So it turns out this whole thing might have been a stunt because Addison posted she got fired and then some dude from something called Front Office Sports said they reached out to a source who said she was never employed by UFC.


    This is the dumbest thing ever and an insane overreaction. Big-J journalists got to protect the industry or whatever.




    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, the admiral said:

    And this isn't even journalism journalism, this is smiling at a camera and sticking a microphone in front of some brain-damaged Dagestanis before throwing it back to Joe Rogan, who also has brain damage..


    And that's the thing here, it's not even a real "job". I fully assume this is just her doing ringside interviews for a single fight night and then both her and the UFC will go on their merry ways after. I do not think she's joining the UFC media corps.


    It's no different than any other actor or athlete or celeb doing an appearance, but these people were so incensed by her joke about her single semester in the journalism program, at LSU I believe, before her internet fame took off that it crossed their wires. If she hadn't commented at all about her former schooling, or she isn't famous for the way she is, it's a non-thing beside maybe a couple people making the usual "internet famous/talent" comments.


    1 hour ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    The other thing is there aren't journalism jobs anymore. There was a time when every market had its own paper and its own newsroom that hired several people. Now each local market is lucky if it has two staff writers and an editor -- and that's generally one news person and one sports/obit/everything else.


    Just from my two years-ish in the biz, I don't think it's that bad yet in all places, at least from my knowledge about the Canadian markets near me. Some of the smaller towns sure, those probably weren't too big to begin with, but there are still journalism jobs out there.


    But it's definitely a saturated market with people like the admiral was getting at who were Good At School and social media/Twitter has broken a lot of those people's brains where they think local news is beneath them because they want to opine.

    • Like 2
  12. First the TikTokers came for the dancers, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a dancer.

    Then they came for the singers, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a singer.

    Then they came for the actors, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a actor.

    Then they came for me the broadcast journalist - and there was no one left to speak for me.


    The, mostly "aspiring", news and sports media people are mad online in the replies and quote tweets.


    A Celeb gets to do some on-air presenting?! Well I never!

    • Like 3
  13. 15 hours ago, WSU151 said:


    Who's we and which jerseys "scraped the bottom of the barrel"?  This first go around was extremely popular because of bottom of the barrel stuff???


    The collective we.


    Toronto, Detroit and Chicago are the big ones.


    14 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

    I don't think it takes too much effort to understand what he was saying. It wasn't a suggestion that the RR program isn't popular, but that the formula -- a throwback-inspired look in which the colors are flipped -- can only be done a limited number of ways for some teams. That, to me, is a perfectly logical take.


    This is exactly what I was getting at. Despite how generally well received it was, the Reverse Retro well can only be drawn from so many times before it stops becoming a "Reverse Retro" and ends up being something more akin to a normal alternate jersey or it ends up being simply a flip of (of an already flipped) existing Reverse Retro jersey. The freshness can go away quickly.


    (the collective) We widely panned the Toronto, Detroit and Chicago jerseys and it will get to the point where, if the RR continues with new jerseys, other teams will find themselves in the same spot where they don't have much to choose from.


    13 hours ago, WSU151 said:


    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that only applies to three or four teams. The rest of the league had/still has plenty of options.  There are multiple threads in the Concepts sections (especially like @colinturner95's thread) that prove a lot of RR options are still possible. 


    I'm not saying that there's not still RR possibilities out there, it's that it's a limited resource and could get stale very quickly.


    Lets look at Calgary for example. They went with the Blasty jersey for the Reverse Retro, which really only entailed removing the red at the bottom of the jerseys (and a swapping of the shoulder patch colour). Where do they go next?

    • A white version of Blasty? Well that's just a flip of what they already did. There's no new ground there.
    • A black or a yellow version of the current jerseys as a Reverse Retro to 1989? Well that's just essentially an alternate jersey.
    • A black version of the 04 set? That's just the Blasty jersey but with a Flaming C this time instead
    • A black pedestal? If there's going to be a second Reverse Retro, do they or (the collective) we want another black jersey?

    So what are we stuck with then? A pedestal jersey in the current colours?


    I'd wager that if you sat down and really thought about it, there's not that many teams with another (good) Reverse Retro option that can still be considered both Reverse and Retro. A team like Florida has pretty much already exhausted their Reverse Retro catalogue, unless they want to go with the current colours on that double blue alternate.


    There is the opportunity to go with something from a previous hockey franchise in the city/area, I also think that will eventually also stray away from Reverse Retro conceit if teams aren't throwing back to themselves.


    13 hours ago, WSU151 said:

    Scraping the bottom of the barrel refers to low quality, poorly designed stuff. 




    No it doesn't. Your link even shows that.



    to use the worst people or things because that is all that is available


    Nothing about low quality or poor design.



    To use or select from the last or worst of the resources or options from a particular range or set, even if they are not satisfactory, because there are no others to choose from.


    to select from among the worst; to choose from what is left over.


    to utilize the last or only things or people available, even if unsatisfactory. 


    The barrel has run dry and we are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel to try to get the dregs because it is all that is left.

    • Like 1
  14. I would wager most teams could have a second jersey choice if the league/Adidas decides to run the RR program back again. The issue would be if the teams should have a second RR.


    I mean, we kind of scraped the bottom of the barrel already during the first go-around and I don't know if a team simply flipping the RR they had last year nor going with something that is pretty close to what the team is currently wearing brings enough oomph to a second RR effort.  I could see the RR quickly becoming something that looks like a normal alternate jersey and not a special "modified" throwback.

    Like some of the hypotheticals posited in the post above, many of them are just colour flips of what they are currently wearing.

  15. 1 hour ago, Dilbert said:

    "Prompted in part by feedback from a variety of important stakeholders, we decided to redesign our logo prior to hitting the turf for our inaugural season. We are excited about our newest logo design as it brings more versatility and options to the many marketing and community relations initiatives we are planning," said George Manias, President of the FireWolves.


    On 7/1/2021 at 8:21 AM, monkeypower said:

    Or maybe they realized how bad the original logo was.


  16. Nothing on the Elks yet that I've seen. The player graphic they're using for a recent ticket pack campaign is one from last year with the old Eskimos wordmark edited out.


    The Stamps anniversary jerseys have supposedly been selling very well with the store at McMahon picked clean and more shipments have been ordered. I doubt it, but maybe it'll show the team that the black isn't needed because it's not just us here on the boards that don't like the black,

    • Like 1
  17. On 6/22/2021 at 11:42 AM, spartacat_12 said:

     I'm pretty sure Calgary kept the previous monstrosity around for one year to try and clear out as much inventory as possible. My guess is that it's gone next season, and they keep Blasty around as a permanent third. 


    On 6/22/2021 at 12:35 PM, AFirestormToPurify said:

    But not as a third jersey. Anyway, not really trying to argue here, I have no idea what I'm talking about lol. I'm hoping they keep Blasty instead but until someone more knowledgeable steps in, I think the Reebok carryover monstrosities are sticking around for a couple more seasons


    On 6/24/2021 at 1:13 PM, Ridleylash said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if they kept it to clear out stock to make room for an '04 red third, honestly. Flames management seems keen on keeping the Black C variant around, and it'd be easy to cash in on '04 nostalgia with that red jersey.


    Icethetics' JerseyWatch says a source told them the Flames are planning for no alternates for the 2021-22 season.


    I passed by a brick and mortar CGY Team Store (CSEC's apparel store for the Flames, Stamps, Hitmen and Roughnecks) when I was at a mall last weekend and there was a sign out front saying 50% off all Black C jerseys (and maybe some Black C apparel too, I don't remember). Just looking at the online store right now, it's there as well. I have to go back to that mall tomorrow, so I'll look closer I guess.

    • Like 1
  18. (Since I can't seem to find the offseason thread because this is a bit more than just OITGDNHL)


    Alleged assaults of Blackhawks players ‘an open secret’: source



    The alleged sexual assault of two former Chicago Blackhawks players was “an open secret” among staff both within and outside the team’s hockey department, a former team marketing official said in an interview with TSN.


    The official said he was told by Blackhawks assistant trainer Jeff Thomas during the summer of 2010 that then-team video coach Brad Aldrich had allegedly sexually assaulted two players. The official asked for anonymity because he still works in the pro hockey industry and fears repercussions from the National Hockey League.


  19. 16 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:

    Let's ask NBA and CFL fans how that went


    The CFL doesn't sell jerseys with ads on them outside of the game-worns and the NBA only has ads on the ones in the team stores in the arenas IIRC (and I guess gameworns too if they sell those). The extreme vast majority of the jerseys bought and sold in either league don't have ads on them (I also believe that is the case for minor league hockey too).


    I think it's kind of like what Chromatic was getting at where the ads are a part of soccer jerseys and soccer aesthetics whereas the ads on CFL and NBA jerseys are just patches added on after the fact. If (when?) NHL jerseys get ads, I would be surprised if the retail versions would have ads.


    10 minutes ago, Chromatic said:

    Lol yeah and lets ask my local junior B hockey club while we're at it.


    *fart noise*

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