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Everything posted by McCall

  1. Go away. Umm... What does that have to do with NCAA Conference Realignment?
  2. On the mobile i wish they had the page number or go to last page option. If there's a thread that's numerous pages long you just want to see the most recent stuff, it automatically takes it to the newest post you've seen, which could be many many pages back and you just have to keep hitting next page over and over again.
  3. Dallas gets to stay but St. Louis is gone?
  4. Thanks for these 3 nuggets of random, nonsensical crap.
  5. MLS, maybe, because its so new. Otherwise to have any type of relegation format, the only way you could do it is dividing the current leagues into a couple levels. Like maybe the top 15 NHL teams in one and the lower 15 in the other. And even that is probably not plausible because of aforementioned contracts, television deals and such. Plus it just doesn't sit well here in North America.
  6. You can't compare European soccer leagues to American sports leagues. There are too many factors, like market size, television, stadium/arena size and attendance, as well as traveling. It wouldn't work with our major leagues and quite frankly, I personally don't ever want it to.
  7. Mizzou's not gonna leave the SEC so soon for less money in the Big 10.
  8. Really? If you're going to post stuff in a thread, know what the hell realignment is. Go back to China and harvest my rice where you belong. You know, he may be annoying to you, but that was completely uncalled for. Maybe he was. But that guy is going beyond annoying and is even calling guys homophobic and things and derailing the thread.
  9. I think he believes "homophobia" has to do with homes, since you "insulted" his "home".
  10. That thread is for actual news regarding NCAA conference realignment. This thread is for random realignment proposals for any league that is purely of the posters imagination. BUT, you gotta have some common sense. Something you lack.
  11. Force me to? How big of a narcissistic jerk are you? You control nothing around here. Neither do we, but we keep this tread on its appropriate topic and you don't. And then you're attacking others as if you're this glorious being and we're your pathetic little minions. Seriously, you need to just go away.
  12. What? You reported these guys? How was Griffinmarlins being Homophobic? The entirety of the thread is "REALIGNMENT" not the "pointless" part. That was just someone trying to be funny. You are the one and only one who is derailing this thread with your "pointless" crap that really has no "point" being anywhere in any thread. You make absolutely no sense. You contribute absolutely nothing. And honestly you should be the one reported for being an utter pain in the ass.
  13. For the love of G... Get the hell outta here.
  14. This has nothing to do with realignment, genius.
  15. I don't. Adding Georgia Tech is insanely stupid. Well I guess that solves it. Georgia Tech is out. He has spoken.
  16. Hawaii's not in the Pacific Time Zone. I guess you're a lot smarter than me.
  17. The espn article said they might align the six Pacific time zone schools in one division and the six Mountain time zone schools in the other.
  18. Well it was a good thread until that nutjob started showing up.
  19. According to my hypothesis, Republicans would not be in favor of an European soccer-style balanced-schedule, favor dividing major league teams into groups for no reason (considering a balanced schedule, no divisions are necessary), and such a balanced system would deem any playoffs at all arbitrary. They aren't really ever on the side of fairness anyway. Is your neighbor's dog telling you what to write?
  20. No one said anything about your damn avatar. Only you did. The only thing anyone's said at all about any of your posts is how they make absolutely no sense and how we're all sick of seeing them.
  21. Look, you go from the electoral college to proving you're a Wichita Wranglers fan. What the hell, man? STOP! I remember when this thread used to be enjoyable. Now it's maddening. I blame you for that.
  22. I hate responding to posts immediately after I posted something, but I feel like there is a complete lack of understanding here and it's based on something invaluable that I think a lot of posts could take into consideration. I am almost done, let me finish. I don't know anything about Notre Dame's TV contract with USC. I don't know how independence from all other conferences in the FBS works and why every college isn't independent. I don't follow Notre Dame or USC football. Notre Dame and USC have never been in a division together. My fault, but here's the thing: We will never agree on division realignment, which is why I posted the four things you must know and use if you want to understand our possible goals on this thread. Repost: Playoffs (unknown known): Will there be playoffs? Who will win? Balanced? Does the structure encourage a team to beat their neighbor (what is the point of sports, for god's sake?) Scheduling (known unknown): There is no way to prove that a single game is balanced (the fact that there are home teams and away teams, "neutral" sites) Rivalry (known known): A team has a home stadium, they are closer to one team than all others geographically, they are the neighbors in the same "group," they are the rivals (without even playing a game, the Florida Marlins became the Devil Rays rival when St. Petersburg got the team) Everything I don't know (unknown unknowns): Television contracts, business, is my math right? Most everything. The previous post in which I said that you must beat your neighbor to win your division to go to the playoffs (as an example of "winning a season" - the Browns are just happy to go 1-15 if they beat the Steelers in Cleveland, for example) I assumed was the whole point of sports leagues. ___ My question to you Griffinmarlins, would you rather the Marlins win the World Series (the biggest prize in baseball), beat the Rays in the season series (all at a neutral site), or finish the season schedule with a winning record having played each team in MLB (29 teams) 3 games at home, 3 games on the road (174 games per team)? Playoffs-If you pick the Marlins to win the World Series; the Marlins don't play the Rays during the season, but play the Mariners 174 times to reach the playoffs. Rivalry-If you pick the Marlins to beat the Rays during the season series; the Marlins lose the World Series after beating the Rays 174 times in the regular season. Scheduling-If you pick the Marlins to finish first in the Round Robin 174-game tournament; the Marlins are crowned League Champion, no World Series is played, and the Marlins lose the season series with the Rays. I don't know - I don't care which one you choose. It means nothing. All three aspects I have listed above are popular with every sports league, for some reason. I have written my observation. I don't know. Proven pointlessness. That's the best I can do. I have no idea what you will respond with. BTW: Because I am responding to a response, I want you all to know that all of your responses are helpful in some reason. I am coming up with new ideas all the time. And the idea to make all MLB divisions based on a team joining with its closest geographic neighbor and its closest geographic neighbor's closest geographic neighbors is just a template. I think those concepts are groups of teams that could be fit (pretty unevenly into "Eastern/Western Conferences") into the current division structure, a kind of overlay or second set of divisional "rivalry" realignment, that could prove to fans who is truly the best team in the "true" geographical divisions, or something. I also noticed that the NHL's eight "true geographic rival" divisions would work perfectly with the similar knock-out tournament the NHL already uses. I think this was haphazard to suggest that the uneven divisions, however purely based on geography that they are, would require the playoffs to become more like the Caribbean Series or Memorial Cup in which the teams take on the identity of their geographic region. The resulting posts from then have led me to believe that team identity trumps geographical affiliation, however, I think the closest geographic rival of your favorite team, not your favorite team, may actually be the most important team in the league for the fans of your favorite team. I hypothesize that this idea will become less apparent the more the favorite team is separated from the closest geographical rival in each of the four criteria above. The Broncos are the Chiefs closest geographical rivals, the Rams are the Chiefs closest geographical rivals. The Broncos can cause the Chiefs to miss the playoffs more than the Rams. The Chiefs will play the Rams once every four years. Obviously the Broncos are popularly considered "better rivals" with the Chiefs than the Rams, but that the Rams play the Chiefs once every four years almost makes the game is as important as the Olympics. Borders create the division (and subsequently bring inter-division teams closer together in more profound once-every-four-years-matchups), so maybe the answer is more division? More reasons to make every Bobcat-Thunder game mean something (The people who are descendants of North Carolinian Indian tribes moved to Oklahoma reservations in the past perhaps have some reason to assume that the Thunder represent the regrettable present the Bobcats the idyllic past; this as an example of some possible future criteria potentially used to map groupings of sports team locations and for our immediate use in expanding a conversation to the most necessary concepts next). Why are you acting like you've been anointed to determine the rules for how we come up with realignments here? You're not. Your "rules" are extremely flawed. They completely lack any common sense. They're nonsensical ramblings. They mean absolutely zilch. You're doing nothing but flooding this thread with what amounts to spam. Totally useless information.
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