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Everything posted by TenaciousG

  1. If this is an intentional shot at UA for trying to cancel their contract it’s pretty hilarious
  2. Is it me, or did my Cougs turn the letter “P” upside down to get the lowercase “d” on our new QB’s nameplate?
  3. Hot take incoming: this helmet is way better than the standard orange with script Gators
  4. This is a great logo. I just think the key is keeping the black/yellow as an accent and not an essential feature. Under Armour went off the deep end and it’s hurt what was a really cool brand.
  5. Only the service academies should be allowed to wear camo, anything else is just fake patriotism.
  6. This x 1000. Under Armour has succeeded in making Maryland their Oregon, only for some reason there aren’t a million internet fanboys for whatever crap Maryland spews out each week. I’d also like to take this opportunity to post my favorite Maryland uniforms back from when Nike gave them a consistent identity that wasn’t just “our state flag threw up”. Probably controversial but I love them:
  7. Adidas templates are total trash right now. For football and the other football.
  8. For sure. I personally despise the new font and collar.
  9. Yes!! Just because the NY Giants did it does not mean every navy blue and red team has to wear gray pants. Kansas has also been very guilty of this over the years.
  10. Is there a worse looking number than Miss State’s threes?
  11. More like puke and rally, at I right folks??? This kind of garbage cluttter is going to get us stuck with more ads on unis eventually. I fear that someday the have-nots in CFB will start looking like Mexican soccer teams
  12. Regarding the 20 designers thing, the Seattle Kraken team had so many designers and focus groups I was sure they were going to mess it up... but it worked out in the end. I think it depends on either club leadership making a good call or a proper group dynamic.
  13. A&M could be good... but Adidas is the worst. What the heck fabric do they use that looks like corduroy? And on top of that everything is strrretched to heck so the numbers and nameplate get pulled out of alignment and look like crap on the field. Nike and UA are capable of making unis that fit tight to the pads so they can’t be held by other players... without looking like football leotards.
  14. MLS is just the worst. I kind of want them to collapse. Seattle and Portland and other cities that care will find a way to have a club still. Although I’m sure MLS will hold onto the trademarks for dear life even though they weren’t even the original creators in the aforementioned cities. Fortunately they keep finding investors who keep finding more investors who keep finding more investors. I wonder if there is a name for that kind of scheme...
  15. This is still the only acceptable FSU look: Nike, ya blew it.
  16. I could see Adidas non-jokingly pitching this to them
  17. Nothing tops my high school, whose football coach used to complain about the marching band using the field prior to the football team. The. Band. Pretty sure band shoes are flat as a pancake on the bottom.
  18. Really just thankful the Olympics didn’t fall into the absolute trash “branding” trap that ruined Super Bowl logos
  19. Here’s a topical one: The Sun Life ad on the Raptors jersey is horrific. Looks like the patch was glued on, and the sponsor’s logo looks like it was designed by a five year old. Awful.
  20. The best commentary on the Bucks: https://mobile.twitter.com/thomasawful/status/718889068365488128?lang=en
  21. Agreed. In a vacuum I really like the Padres identity. The problem is you have LA, KC and Detroit already using blue and white (albeit lighter in the first two cases) and a whole slew of teams with blue and white in their color scheme (usually with the addition of red but sometimes another color). Wouldn't the Padres’ identity look just as clean with dark brown instead of dark blue? And in that case it would at least be unique.
  22. Yes! I loved all the bird teams when I was a kid. I had an orioles hat, a Blue Jays hat and a Cardinals hat (even though that was just the STL, but still a classic).
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