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Posts posted by charger77

  1. Saying that Oilers knock-off is "on par" with NHL fashion sweaters is just flat out wrong.

    Not if you've seen how horrendous NHL fashion sweaters can get.

    You mean like these?


    Yeah, quality wise they are really on par with this:


    Once again if you do not see a quality difference between the legits and the 2 fake Oiler jerseys posted here either you are blind, completely out to lunch or are flat out lying to advance your opinion.

  2. Actually its not. That RNH jersey is a counterfeit fashion jersey.

    I know, and it's right on par with most authentic fashion jerseys.

    Once again you are way off, here are the legits:


    If you do not see a quality difference between the legits and the 2 fake Oiler jerseys posted here either you are blind, completely out to lunch or are flat out lying to advance your opinion.

  3. 2) Most people wouldn't think it's a counterfeit. I wouldn't have thought it was a counterfeit if it wasn't posted in this thread. Is it counterfeit?

    I think it looks good on him. It's a nice jersey.

    Well if looooogodud can't tell the difference then its all good.

    Really, it seems that loooogodud's opinion of the quality and legality of counterfeit jerseys is the CCSLC equivalent of "Well, my mom thinks I'm cool".

  4. One thing that nobody has seemed to acknowledge in this thread is that most people who buy counterfeit jerseys do not realize that what they're buying is fake.

    Not only do they know they are buying a fake, they brag and flaunt it.

    I have to disagree with you about this. The people on this site? Yes, they would know whether or not they're buying a fake. But almost any other sports fan would be clueless. People really underestimate how much the average fan knows about uniforms. Truthfully, they don't know anything about logos and uniforms. Most of the sales of counterfeit uniforms are fans that don't realize what they're buying is fake. People that know they're getting a fake but go ahead with it anyway, sure these people definitely exist, but they don't make up nearly the amount of people that buy counterfeits unknowingly.

    A large portion of my fans are Detroit sports fans and could careless about logos and jerseys. They all have fakes (Lions and Wings) They know they have fakes and are ok with it because they saved a few bucks.

  5. I don't think Federal Law Enforcement are a bunch of busy bodies or self righteous.

    If you ever get in trouble for a manufactured crime, you'll see where I'm coming from. If you never have, then you might not see where I am coming from.

    Oh, and I don't believe that you aren't a criminal. That's bull :censored:. If you have ever driven over the speed limit, then you are a criminal. Or do you selectively break whichever laws you want, and then complain when other people break laws that you "feel" matter?

    All laws are "manufactured" genius.

    Also I love your argument of justifying IP theft by assuming the person you are arguing with must have broken some law (namely speeding) therefore IP theft is ok. Your main talking point in this entire argument is based on an assumption. (That we must be breaking some law somewhere and because of that IP theft is A OK)

    Hell, IP protection is discussed in the Constitution (yeah that thing), kind of a slight hint to you (and others) that it may be kind of important and something that Americans value.

  6. If I want to see Death Blow, I'll buy the DVD and not a choppy copy from Brody on the street.

    Now you're making meaningless comparisons. You're comparing something whose bad quality directly worsens your enjoyment (a poor quality bootleg DVD) and something whose debatable bad quality doesn't negatively impact your enjoyment (a fake jersey). Based on the responses on this board, it seems like the fake jersey wearers are perfectly happy with their products, and the only people annoyed by it are the people who don't wear fakes - which is basically the exact opposite of the bootleg DVD example.

    Nevertheless, I'll try to entertain your comparison.

    I've bought bootleg DVD's before, and their quality sucked. So because of that, I'll probably never buy a bootleg DVD again. Many of the fake jerseys posted here seem fine. If I bought some fake jerseys and they fell apart within a month, I would acknowledge their quality sucked... but that hasn't happened to me. I don't have anything against people who buy fake jerseys. If I DO want to become some sort of self-righteous nosy busybody out to fight "crime," it's going to be against something that is a bigger deal and more serious than Chinese NFL jerseys.

    So you're saying that IP theft is OK?

    ...Just kidding. I agree with everything you said. +1

    Which is saying IP theft is ok.

  7. Congratulations on supporting: IP theft, unsafe working conditions, a non living wage and the loss of American jobs. Nice example you're setting for your students.

    Ever shopped at a mall or a big box store? If so, you have without doubt supported at least three of the four things that you mentioned above.

    Shopping at a big box store is not an illegal activity.

  8. Wow, nice quality. 6 years? I'd say you made a great purchase here. I wouldn't know that was a fake, and neither would most people.

    Except that everything about it screams "fake." The jersey mesh, bubbly numbers, shoddy sleeve logo and super-tight neck.

    I'm going to disagree here - maybe to a neurotic blowhard like you it would look fake, but I would be willing to bet that 9 out of 10 people (if not more!) people on the street wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Oh, and they probably wouldn't care either, if they found out. Because balanced people aren't obsessed with pointing out who of the random people they see in public are wearing "fakes" and who aren't.

    I'd rather look good for a year and a half than cheap for six?

    LOL, was that meant to be a question?

    You are a dumb consumer, then. Congratulations on being duped and wasting your money. Have fun buying unnecessarily overpriced jerseys every year, while the more enlightened folks spend less money for a equal or higher quality product.

    Everything you said is true. But of course, it's impossible in this thread to have an actual conversation because if you post anything that isn't bashing buying fake jerseys, then you can expect a response: "You support IP theft. It's illegal!!!!"

    Why even start a thread if you're going to shoot down what everyone else says with the same argument every time?

    Dude, this is a graphic design orientated community, do you really think that here of all places people would support IP theft? Haven't you noticed that each time links are provided to the illegal sites they are either mod-edited or graveyarded?

  9. Everytime I see someone in a fake, I think "douchbag.". It's like buying CZ for your girlfriend and trekking everyone it's real. it's leasing a car you can't afford. It's buying reverything on credit.

    I was at a beer tasting yesterday and saw a large number of hockey jerseys. About 3/4 of them were fake.


    Ok maybe those things aren't universally douchey.

    Lots of people lease because they like getting a brand new car every two to three years, buying everything on credit (unless they can afford to do so) is not the best idea ever. However, at least they are legal activities.

    Also, leasing and buying on credit does not jack up (and keep up) the prices of the legit items for the people that choose to make their purchases the legal way.

    If Congress were to do its job:

    To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to

    Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and discoveries


    We may see a greater crack down on these activities. (and yes, the Federal govt. has shut many of these sites down, but they just keep popping back up)

    I was talking about the douchey nature of these activities, not the illegal nature.

    Got ya.

    Believe me, I'm the 1st to call something douchey, but I can't see how leasing is (unless somebody is living beyond their means to do so.)

  10. Everytime I see someone in a fake, I think "douchbag.". It's like buying CZ for your girlfriend and trekking everyone it's real. it's leasing a car you can't afford. It's buying reverything on credit.

    I was at a beer tasting yesterday and saw a large number of hockey jerseys. About 3/4 of them were fake.


    Ok maybe those things aren't universally douchey.

    Lots of people lease because they like getting a brand new car every two to three years, buying everything on credit (unless they can afford to do so) is not the best idea ever. However, at least they are legal activities.

    Also, leasing and buying on credit does not jack up (and keep up) the prices of the legit items for the people that choose to make their purchases the legal way.

    If Congress were to do its job:

    To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to

    Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and discoveries


    We may see a greater crack down on these activities. (and yes, the Federal govt. has shut many of these sites down, but they just keep popping back up)

  11. You are a dumb consumer, then. Congratulations on being duped and wasting your money. Have fun buying unnecessarily overpriced jerseys every year, while the more enlightened folks spend less money for a equal or higher quality product.

    Congratulations on supporting: IP theft, unsafe working conditions, a non living wage and the loss of American jobs. Nice example you're setting for your students.

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