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Posts posted by charger77

  1. Do you really think they have 5,500 employees working at each game?

    Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the use of sarcasm? :P

    I understand. I was just pointing out that there was at best 1/3 of the annouced addentee in the actual stadium. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here and say that picture was taken during warmup, but there can't be more than 500 people in the seats right then.

    Unfortunately that pic is not from warm ups. Notice the position of the players on the ice, not to mention the refs. Sadly that is game action.

  2. They're starting work on an 18,000-seat arena that should be open by 2015. They'd have to play three years at a half-assedly renovated Colisee in the meantime. Also, Quebecor, the prospective owner for a new QC team, is supposed to be establishing a new TVA sports channel that would be carried in the entire province. So the pieces are coming together, it's just a matter of whether the Phoenix thing will get ugly enough that the league stops messing around with Reinsdorf, Goldwater objecting to Reinsdorf, and the union objecting to everything, and just decides to cash out to Quebecor.

    Or they throw the Stars or Blues to Quebecor to keep the the People's Hockey Club of Glendale around a while longer because why not at this point? What's a few million between friends and tax payers, right Gary?

    A million here and a million there, pretty soon we'll be talking about real money.

  3. I don't see how you don't see an issue with IP theft, loogodude. You're cheating people out of literally millions of dollars - how the hell can you compare that to speeding? You wouldn't sit there and say what Bernie Madoff did was just as bad as going 7 mph over the speed limit, would you...?

    The same way you don't see an issue with speeding. You're cheating thousands of people per year out of their lives - how the hell can you compare that to stealing money? You wouldn't sit there and say that killing someone was just as bad as stealing $50, would you ... ?

    Here's the thing. If I speed I admit it was wrong. If I get pulled over I own up to breaking the law and pay the ticket. I don't say "well everyone's broken the law at some point so what's the big deal officer?"

    That, you see, is the crux of this disagreement. Breaking the law isn't so much the issue, it's acknowledging that breaking the law is wrong. I don't care if you buy counterfeits, or how good or poor their quality is. Just have the wherewithal to admit that what you're doing is supporting an illegal business practice. Don't try to deflect personal responsibility by saying it's ok because someone else does something illegal or play the "mean old corporations charge to much for the real thing" card. It's a jersey. Not food or medicine. You're not entitled to owning one.

    But the point is that you are breaking the law (speeding) even when you aren't being caught. If you speed, then you really don't have a right to rag on other people for owning a counterfeit jersey... at least not as much as some users here seem to do.

    You have a hard time grasping simple concepts, don't you.

    As I have suggested before, I think it is safe to assume that people tend to talk a lot slower and use smaller words when you enter a room.

  4. Article on fake merchandise.

    The fashion industry may have a high tolerance for fake people, but its tolerance for fake merchandise is an entirely different story.

    Knockoff footwear, handbags and other items have always been a thorn in designers’ sides – especially in the online marketplace, where the problem only seems to be getting worse. In 2010, the U.S. government logged 42% more merchandise seizures at express consignment and mail facilities than in 2009, citing the “continued growth” of websites that sell pirated products.

    Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2011/09/29/six-ways-to-tell-if-designer-handbag-is-fake/?test=faces#ixzz1ZND2vphr

  5. I don't see how you don't see an issue with IP theft, loogodude. You're cheating people out of literally millions of dollars - how the hell can you compare that to speeding? You wouldn't sit there and say what Bernie Madoff did was just as bad as going 7 mph over the speed limit, would you...?

    The same way you don't see an issue with speeding. You're cheating thousands of people per year out of their lives - how the hell can you compare that to stealing money? You wouldn't sit there and say that killing someone was just as bad as stealing $50, would you ... ?

    Speeding =/= killing a person. How are you still not getting this?

  6. #1- If something is illegal, it's illegal what more is there to say? If you are ok with that, fine, but don't try to save face by saying something like "everyone does something illegal from time to time".

    Why can't I do both? I'm fine with the fact that it's illegal, and I'm pointing out that everyone - even those who make a big deal out of the illegality - breaks the law now and then. It's possible to do both.

    You can do it. It's a free country and you are entitled to your voice.

    All I'm saying is 2 wrongs don't make a right. I was speeding into work this morning (to go back to that example) and it didn't make it right, but I didn't try to justify it by saying "yeah well logodude90 buys illegal counterfeit jerseys!". If I got pulled over by a cop, or even called out by a co-worker who may have seen it i'd own up to it and say "yeah I was running behind so I wanted to make up time.". I'd accept my fine OR accept the criticism and not try to say "well someone else did something wrong, somewhere."

    It's called being accountable for your own actions.

    Boy is that going to go up and over.

  7. Speaking as a guy that owns over 175 non-knock of jerseys fakes can easily be spotted from a mile away.

    And?... That has nothing to do with quality. I can spot a BMW from a mile away. Does that indicate that it is of poor quality?

    If you owned 175 BMWs and knew everything thing about them you would easily be able to spot the fakes that are of lesser quality.

    But a knock-off doesn't always mean significantly lesser quality.

    Your whole position on this boils down to "I can tell that all fakes are bad quality just by looking at a few of them." Do you honestly not see how faulty that is? If you hate knockoffs then fine, I'm not here to stop you. But there are plenty of quality knockoffs out there even if you want to ignore them.

    Yes, all knockoff jerseys are of low quality. Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogodud you belong to an on-line community of sports fans, jerseys collectors, designers and flat out jersey/logo fans. All of us (with the exception of you) realize that the knockoffs are of poor quality, maybe that says something. Hell, even the people here that own knockoffs admit that they are of lesser quality. Since you sing the praises of the knockoffs so much can you direct us to a knockoff site that sells high quality knockoffs to prove your point?

  8. Speaking as a guy that owns over 175 non-knock of jerseys fakes can easily be spotted from a mile away.

    And?... That has nothing to do with quality. I can spot a BMW from a mile away. Does that indicate that it is of poor quality?

    Do people tend to speak slowly and use smaller words when you enter a room?

    If you owned 175 BMWs and knew everything thing about them you would easily be able to spot the fakes that are of lesser quality.

    Why don't you go back to post padding in the pop culture thread, this conversation is clearly over your head.

  9. Some of them are of good quality.

    If by some you mean none, then yeah, they're aces.

    Good one.

    Leave it to charger to be even more wrong than a spambot.

    There is plenty of quality counterfeit merchandise out there.

    And frankly, I don't understand how someone who avoids and has never owned counterfeit merchandise can be such an expert on how good its quality is. And be able to speak for all counterfeit merchandise quality.

    Leave it to loooooooooogodud to not be able to follow a simple conversation.

    Were talking about jerseys here genius... try to keep up.

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