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Posts posted by charger77

  1. I'll always remember Mogilny's valiant play in the 1994 Finals:


    So many possible jokes, I don't know where to start...

    BTW Please tell me I am not the only one who calls out people when they are wearing these fakes. By buying a fake, you are not actually supporting the team, all the funds go to a low paying Chinese factory.

    Yeah but.... cheaper..... and its my "right" to own any product I choose regardless of legality... and greedy companies... and cheaper! :rolleyes:

    Lol if people of "low" means can't afford to buy a jersey, than at least get a good knock off. Then don't buy one, or buy one of the hundreds of other types of licensed apparel. Holy heck, so many bad knock offs. I don't mean call out kids who have fake jerseys, most of them got those as gifts.

    FYP :P

    Hell, there are lots of things I would love to have but can't afford, so I don't buy them or engage in IP theft.

  2. I'll always remember Mogilny's valiant play in the 1994 Finals:


    So many possible jokes, I don't know where to start...

    BTW Please tell me I am not the only one who calls out people when they are wearing these fakes. By buying a fake, you are not actually supporting the team, all the funds go to a low paying Chinese factory.

    Yeah but.... cheaper..... and its my "right" to own any product I choose regardless of legality... and greedy companies... and cheaper! :rolleyes:

  3. I'll use NFL as an example beacuse that where it seems to be bad:

    I think knockoffs are populare because people are pissed off with Reebok. Reebok charges $80 for a jersey where the logos, numbers, and stripes are screen printed. You could also get an authentic jersey for $250. Then, there are the Chinese made jerseys which are meant to be the equivalent to an authentic. They may be knockoff, but for the most part it looks accurate and everything is nicely embroidered and go for $20-60. Which would you buy?

    The licensed product if I had the available funds. If not maybe I'd get a t-shirt/sweat shirt or two of my favorite team.

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