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Everything posted by j'villejags

  1. Graphic on the faaarrr right has some gray in it. And I do see a couple pieces with darker red tones. But I feel like I'm reaching. Don't see anything to indicate an actual change to their color palette.
  2. Funny that they scheduled it right before the Suns game so that no one outside of this board will be paying attention. Almost like a Friday news dump.
  3. I think our collective hearts skipped a beat imagining them doubling down with more piping and side panels.
  4. Survival is our Dillon Brooks. He’s poking the bear(s).
  5. Makes me think they are going with the Jacksonville route by way of oversimplification. Either that, or more piping.
  6. I think they’ll be mostly good, with one or two head scratching elements that should’ve been refined.
  7. It's Arizona time, which is Pacific time since they don't acknowledge daylight savings. Their 7 PM is 10 PM eastern.
  8. I think your entry is my favorite. I’m gonna vote!
  9. 7 Phoenix time — damn they are really going to drag this thing out.
  10. I’m thinking it could mean that Michigan’s brother is Michigan State. Saguaro green confirmed.
  11. I appreciate it! Good insight. I’ll add the Lions to my queue. I do have a general sense of what I’d like to do with them, and it does not include black.
  12. Thoughts on this direction for Arizona? Tried to pull from the clues and colors that have been posted, while putting my own twist to it. The maroon to orange gradient gives off a copper vibe without actually being copper. I couldn't help myself and did end up using a copper facemask -- (although it sounds like copper won't actually be used on the actual set). I am interested in adding some detail to the shoulders or shoulder caps. However, it seemed like anything I did to the jersey made the pants and helmet look excessively loud. I played around with the idea of a stylized AZ flag, and tried another gradient. I have also tried to visualize a feather pattern a la Oregon. But again, I think it quickly loses its balance and becomes too much. Certainly welcome any thoughts and opinions. I'll add a road and alternate variation, but wanted to get some thoughts first to refine this. -- @HOOVER wanted to share the update
  13. Jacksonville Bulls — a USFL team from the 80s.
  14. Thanks! Appreciate the kind words. I might get back into it at some point. Time has not been on my side, so I’d set this aside for the most part. That said, I can definitely attempt the Falcons tweak you’re describing. And I agree, I’d like to try Arizona at some point. I’ll tag you if/when I post an update!
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