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Everything posted by CS85

  1. Ah, we've onto the appropriate "lecturing a dumb child" thing which is what this group deserves.

  2. "My husband drinks himself into a violent stupor every night, but at least I installed the No More app on his phone so that he's aware."

  3. @MichaelDanger19 But the names are all like "UNTAMED APE" and "DEVIL'S QUAFF" with sweet-ass colorful packaging. Such a ruse.

  4. 1 week, tops. https://t.co/MsPrJKINMZ

  5. So yeah, my hiatus lasted 24 hours. Probably less.

  6. This sucked, but as a kid I loved it because I just ripped off the TMNT characters and played with them once I lost all the other pieces.
  7. RT @HistoricalPics: The famous Hollywood sign, which originally said 'Hollywoodland'. The last four letters were removed in 1949 https://t.…

  8. Sucks to hear that Bret Hart has pancreatic cancer. Guy was a hero of mine as a kid. Iconic wrestling legend. Good luck, Hitman.

  9. Tried Oculus Rift again playing Quake. I want to hurl. I am destined never to enjoy VR, which is fine since it's an expensive gimmick.

  10. No idea, but I'm guessing not. I read Tinordi was in a holding pattern as a frequent healthy scratch and likely groused to management about playing time. I'm guessing NHL officials told them they'd owe them a favor in order to make the John Scott thing go away, but obviously it blew up in their face. He's still in the minors. He will play in the ASG wearing a generic uniform branded for the game itself and then return to the minors.
  11. I've been looking for a new fascination for a while. I think I've found my latest - cocktails. See you all on the floor.

  12. Are all likes anonymous now? I kinda...kinda like that.
  13. I feel gross wearing a Blackhawks hat today. If there's more stories of Kane being a sex criminal, I may have to hang up this merchandise.

  14. I'll second this. The stats on the sides, while nice, are cluttering up an already relatively busy page. Aim for elegance, not overload. On the whole, I'm very pleased with most of the features. I hate feeling like I'm busting chops. Mods/Chris/admins are doing a fine job w/ the upgrade. edit: OK, I'm gonna complain a bit here. Quoting is limited to what, 1 layer of quote? Not good. Also I can't delete quote boxes, remove formatting (that I can find anyway, I hope I'm simply missing all of these features), and adding images from an external URL to an edited post doesn't work.
  15. Gonna throw this out there, please don't take too much offense: This is an absolutely lazy response. I would get it if it was something like spoiler tags, but images are a foundation of any community board. much less one driven around design & sports logos. Plus if there was ANY time to make this a feature (which I'm sure it's terribly easy to implement) it would be now, during the transition process.
  16. Is there a way I can post an image via URL into the quick reply? Dragging the image into the box is really annoying.
  17. Any idea about how to disable notifications once they've been enabled? I feel like I should know how to do this but I can't find a way.
  18. I think it looked better with no sigs but I assume that can still be manually disabled.
  19. I keep thinking that the plus box next to the quote is a spoiler box.
  20. Holy crap the in-browser notifications are annoying. Off. OFF. edit: Hey the Mark Forum Read button works again! Hooray!
  21. I...I oddly don't mind the circular avatars. Signatures are pointless.
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