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Everything posted by CS85

  1. I think we all knew that was coming at some point. Gather round, kids, and warm your hands by the spontaneous combustion.
  2. Those are legitimate excuses. You're taking this way too seriously. Well you might think I am taking this way too seriously but once you find something that lights a fire in you then maybe you would do the same thing. Your ceaseless passion and fury about this act of unspeakable injustice on an internet message board is certainly a great way to endear yourself to others around here.
  3. Those are legitimate excuses. You're taking this way too seriously.
  4. It didn't. Er wait, I'll let a mod tell you the same thing over this "outrage."
  5. How would the mods feel about a Lounge topic regarding the strangeness occurring in North Korea right now? Lot of turmoil between N/S Korea, a potential political coup, and perhaps war. I don't want to start it without some sort of blessing since we all know how these things can go.
  6. I feel like the first one is a modified version of a font that's been making the rounds after all the superhero movies. I can't put my finger on it. If I find it I'll link you.
  7. This happened so fast. Holy crap. I hope they spend countless millions rebranding to the Arizona Coyotes, so that by this time next year there will be thousands of poverty-stricken children in 3rd world countries running around in oversized Arizona Coyotes tees.
  8. Good image hosting sites: Imgur Bad image hosting sites: ImageShack Photobucket Basically all other sites but Imgur
  9. Gonna need some more information about the problem before helping. Not enough to go on from that statement alone. --------- Why doesn't this site have a favicon anymore?
  10. What's to say that hasn't already been said? What is the point? The Florida Panthers are a stupid franchise that shouldn't be, as are the 'Yotes. Just wash your hands, NHL. edit: Also admiral, might need to update the thread title to give it that citrus-y, Panther-like flavor.
  11. Some images work, and some don't. If they don't, and you're desperate to post it, save it and upload to photobucket God, ignore this advice. 1. Photobucket is a mess. Imgur is far superior. 2. The image extension means you're likely pulling this from twitter. Be sure that the image URL ends in .png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .gif. Otherwise it's not likely to work here. Twitter's image URL's usually end in .jpg:large or something similar. Just delete the final bit until it's .jpg and you should be good to go.
  12. You have to type out a full reply - not a quick reply. The 3rd button in on the top row is "Special BB Code" and gives you a drop down box where media and spoiler are some of the options. I usually just type them out though as it is quicker. Ah, thanks. Hopefully the powers that be can implement them into a quick reply button for convenience sometime down the line.
  13. Is there any way to get buttons put into place for spoiler and media tags? Or do they exist already and I've been overlooking them?
  14. I suppose so. I always felt like there should be a solid balance between play by play and color, but in my limited experiences with Farmer/Jackson they've just sorta been...there, I guess. Inoffensive but unengaging. I think part of this is my lack of any investment in the Sox, so I'm looking for any excuse to get excited for them, but they give my ears none. That being said I still haven't made up my mind on Moreland with Hughes just yet.
  15. Farmer/Jackson personify the White Sox for me as a neutral fan: flavorless. I've never been a Sox hater but their radio team is as bland as Hawk is obnoxious.
  16. I was terribly excited when I thought you were "Logical Ham," but the magic's gone.
  17. We can do that? Not totally sure. But I feel like I saw it somewhere. Could've just been a screenshot of a tweet. I believe the IP Board code/plugin/whatever exists to embed tweets, but not sure if this place has ever had it.
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