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Everything posted by CS85

  1. I suppose so. I always felt like there should be a solid balance between play by play and color, but in my limited experiences with Farmer/Jackson they've just sorta been...there, I guess. Inoffensive but unengaging. I think part of this is my lack of any investment in the Sox, so I'm looking for any excuse to get excited for them, but they give my ears none. That being said I still haven't made up my mind on Moreland with Hughes just yet.
  2. Farmer/Jackson personify the White Sox for me as a neutral fan: flavorless. I've never been a Sox hater but their radio team is as bland as Hawk is obnoxious.
  3. I was terribly excited when I thought you were "Logical Ham," but the magic's gone.
  4. We can do that? Not totally sure. But I feel like I saw it somewhere. Could've just been a screenshot of a tweet. I believe the IP Board code/plugin/whatever exists to embed tweets, but not sure if this place has ever had it.
  5. I haven't updated in a long time, so here goes:

  6. Anyone know of where to find video from this? I'm having no luck.
  7. Ah, thank you! I was wanting to use the statements from the public in this week's podcast. Edit: This is definitely the meeting from last night, but why the hell are the dates so wrong in the link? Edit 2: ...or maybe it's not the same meeting, it just featured the same people... You're right -- didn't even look at the date. Sorry about that. Like you said, though, same :censored:/different day. When it's uploaded, though, here's where yesterday's will be: http://glendale-az.g...=2&clip_id=1871 I could only fast forward to 2:43:00 for the big chested girl Oh god. It requires Windows Media Player?!....blech. This thing had better be on youtube by Sunday night. Also yeah, she's pretty much the highlight of the night.
  8. Ah, thank you! I was wanting to use the statements from the public in this week's podcast. Edit: This is definitely the meeting from last night, but why the hell are the dates so wrong in the link? Edit 2: ...or maybe it's not the same meeting, it just featured the same people...
  9. "I've got this email, which I didn't write, from a guy, who I found interesting, and this email, which is relevant, goes as such, in just a moment, here's the email, which isn't mine:"
  10. "Ya know" clearly indicates that these aren't prepared statements.
  11. It was Colonel Mustard in the City Council Chamber with the Tedious Speech.
  12. I missed what everyone was laughing at. Fill me in. Seriously. OH WE'RE GETTING FIRED UP NOW! LIGHT EM UP UP UP
  13. Are "liquidated damages" comparable to spilling some root beer on my sweatpants? Because it's not 12 years ago? Hasn't stopped Jets fans.
  14. Why isn't anyone in the crowd chanting, "WHAT?!" between statements?
  15. "...and here we have a picture of Mike Smith banging a $30 crackwhore behind a Glendale Burger King, clearly stimulating the local economy."
  16. Have they started passing out ether-soaked rags yet?
  17. The people calling out names sound like they would rather be buried alive than do this.
  18. We need a Zod-like finish to this, where we put the franchise into some infinite space-traveling shard, ne'er to be seen or discussed again.
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