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Everything posted by CS85

  1. And you would be right, sir. The press conference was replayed on the radio while I was driving home... the attorney seems really sure the bag is authentic. I dunno. He represented a real sleazeball in his last high-profile case with some questionable tactics, so I wouldn't put a hoax beneath him as a way to permanently cast doubt on however the case plays out from here. Even still, this is a bit much. Everyone they interview on the news-- former DA, defense attorneys, retired cop-- all say the same thing: "If this is true, this is crazy." This all seems like a really sloppy way to go. The Braun case is the only thing I can think of that's comparable in this case, but I'm no expert on the matter. All I'm aware of is that this has become a true circus if it wasn't already one before.
  2. I would if that athlete hadn't already set a blatantly clear pattern of behavior and scandal that had been carefully branded as "fun-loving" and "party animal."
  3. Blackhawks camp allows Patrick Kane to take 'mind off things' Take a Me Day, Pat. You deserve it. You've been through a lot. Poor guy.
  4. I'm surprised Kane hasn't adopted a Jeter-esque gift basket method yet, honestly.
  5. REPORTER: I have a question for Patrick Kane! MCD: Um I think we've had about enough regarding the -- REPORTER: It's a hockey question! MCD:...uh, alright go ahead. REPORTER: So Patrick, we watched you take the ice today and from what we saw you were aggressively slamming the ice with your skates, penetrating the defense, and scoring against an unwilling defender. Would you say that you were sober when you did this, or were you so drunk you don't remember, or did you pay off an off-duty police officer to - hey, get off me! Get off, I'm asking *struggling* I'm asking questions here, dammit, augh!
  6. PBs UI is just garbage.PB is comparable to MySpace, and this is in no way a compliment. They constantly try to change but the site simply refuses to admit defeat, getting worse and worse with each revision.PB is annoying as hell about embedding images, often redirecting you to the photobucket page of that image rather than simply the .jpg or .png image itself. I mean it's not the worst thing in the world, but I personally despise it.
  7. imgur is the best. Photobucket is the worst. Well, I guess imageshack is the worst but I don't even know if it's still around. Tinypic also sucks. Just use imgur. Photobucket works fine for me. I CAST YOU OUT, PHOTOBUCKET DEVILS, LEAVE THIS MAN'S BODY, BEGONE
  8. imgur is the best. Photobucket is the worst. Well, I guess imageshack is the worst but I don't even know if it's still around. Tinypic also sucks. Just use imgur.
  9. It works, but it's also unacceptable when I've used the alternative for many years. I'm not asking a lot. If you won't let standard users employ it, remove it from the page so I'm not tortured by its presence.
  10. I'll say it again, the Mark This Forum As Read button not working is really starting to rustle my jimmies. Fix this, please.
  11. Why can I not mark forums as read anymore? edit: I can if I click the forum icon, but not through the Mark as Read button.
  12. 15? I'll take the over. What are the odds on Vegas gold? Will there be a cow skull or playing cards in their branding? Let's put some money on this. Make it interesting.
  13. It's not chriscreamerssportslogos.net, it's Chris Creamer's SportsLogos.net. It's his baby and he's obviously dedicated a great portion of his life to this endeavor, and I don't think a single person until now has ever said "Who does this guy think he is?!"
  14. Until it's fixed, you can use the Import photo from URL function instead. -- Also, I'm getting the "you do not have permission to use this feature" error message when I try to mark my notifications as read. I had/have that problem. I just went through and deleted them all.
  15. I'm trying to 'mark as read' my notifications, but I get this: What the hell? I've been able to do this before, and the dynamic notification bubble never, ever, ever works.
  16. Bears - they were on TV, so I started rooting for them during the last gasps of the Cade McNown era. It has rarely improved from there. I chose poorly. Cubs - family team, so I started rooting for them around 1996. It has rarely improved from there. I chose poorly. Blackhawks - uncle is a huge fan, so I started rooting for them. It has been weird, but obviously successful lately. Pacers - huge Reggie Miller fan. Once he retired/Malice in the Palace/uniform change, I stopped caring completely and utterly checked out. Bulls† - not really a fan, per se, so much as a casual follower of the team that wouldn't mind see them be successful.
  17. I dropped it, and apologize to the membership for wasting their time with my obvious bit of fishing.
  18. The internet really just isn't the place for you. Have you tried newspapers or perhaps chain letters?
  19. This is really starting to feel like a bit. At least I hope it is, because it means there's genuinely a person out there who genuinely lives like this.
  20. I think we all knew that was coming at some point. Gather round, kids, and warm your hands by the spontaneous combustion.
  21. Those are legitimate excuses. You're taking this way too seriously. Well you might think I am taking this way too seriously but once you find something that lights a fire in you then maybe you would do the same thing. Your ceaseless passion and fury about this act of unspeakable injustice on an internet message board is certainly a great way to endear yourself to others around here.
  22. Those are legitimate excuses. You're taking this way too seriously.
  23. It didn't. Er wait, I'll let a mod tell you the same thing over this "outrage."
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